TimeLab Inc - Day 5

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Day Five

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Day Five

Albion House, Buckinghamshire, March 1818

Marcella was on her feet the next day and able to operate the time machine, rather to Zak's disappointment.

"Today we meet Mary Shelley," she announced, in Tour Guide mode. "As you know, her most famous novel, Frankenstein, was published anonymously in London on the first of January 1818. Did you know, however, that it was written in 1816, the 'Year Without a Summer'? It's interesting that the 'Year Without a Summer' was caused by the eruption of another volcano. In 1815, Mount Tambora in Indonesia erupted‒one of the most powerful events in recorded history. The huge clouds of volcanic ash caused temperatures to drop around the globe due to reduced sunlight."

Sam and Zak listened with interest.

"Now today, I have something special for you. The Shelleys are having an open day at their current home, Albion House, just for the local people. In fact, the event is a bit of a ruse because they are about to flee England for Italy to escape Percy Shelley's creditors. Anyway, the point is that there will be a lot of people wandering around whom they don't know."

Marcella smiled as she saw Zak's eyes light up with understanding. "I have some costumes for you to put on and you can roam around the grounds for an hour or so, as long as you are careful. Stick together and don't engage anyone in conversation. Nod and smile from a distance."

Filled with excitement, Sam and Zak pulled on the rough trousers and shirts Marcella gave them and fastened the bulky jackets. They pulled straw hats on their heads and old boots on their feet.

Marcella had parked the time machine in a disused barn and they waited until she made sure no-one was passing before they emerged into the daylight. It felt odd leaving the machine without their suits and eyeshields but also very exciting. They strolled around the grounds, at first trying not to stare too much, but then giving in as they realised everyone else was wide-eyed and open mouthed.

Zak examined every group of people, hoping to catch a glimpse of Mary Shelley. Surely Marcella wouldn't have brought them to this spot if Mary was going to remain inside?

No, there she was! A small woman, with her hair in brown ringlets, and wearing a white gown with a green cloak over the top. Zak got as close as he could, hoping to hear her voice as she spoke to her female companion. Sam put a restraining hand on his arm, it wouldn't do for Zak to attract too much attention, but the two men were able to follow behind, stopping every so often to pretend interest in a flower or tree.

When Mary Shelley unexpectedly changed direction and looked right at Zak for a second, he froze. Then he gave a low bow, and received a tiny nod and a faint smile in acknowledgement. It was the highlight of his day.

Eventually they returned to the time machine where Marcella was waiting. "That was brilliant," said Zak. "I feel like reading the book again now."

"Have you read the first version?" asked Marcella. "You know she changed the story slightly with each edition. Most people are familiar with the third version, published in 1831."

"That's a good idea," said Zak, entering his request into the small console unit which was for the use of passengers. He paused. "I thought you said it was published on New Year's Day 1818?"

"That's right," agreed Marcella, "That was the first time."

"It says here the date was the 11th of March."

"That's odd. I wonder how that could happen? Wikipedia10 comes with a guarantee of 99% accuracy these days."

"This must be part of the 1% then," Zak shrugged off the discrepancy. "I guess it's not important, the main thing is that the original story is here."

Sam frowned.

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