Chap 21

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Hey everyone merry Christmas!! and happy holidays to all who don't celebrate, I don't want to say much so lets just start!!


(Y/N) couldn't recall how long it's been since they left chameleon bay. She didn't really like the open sea and often felt nauseous because of the constant swaying, but was able to fight through a feeling most of the time. (Y/N) was standing with Toph at the edge of the ship, it was fairly calm waters today and so (Y/N) could actually enjoy the views even if it was just water.

Toph on the other hand was more concentrated on other things just going through her mind, but was interrupted by Sokka who was dressed in a fire nation suit of armour which was the exact same as (Y/N)'s and Katara who had a fire nation cloak which was also the same as the one Toph had on. They came over to talk with them and (Y/N) just looked over saying "Any signs of Aang waking up?, even when I was struck by Aula's lightning it didn't take that long for me to recover." Katara looked saddened saying "No, no signs yet but at least he's still alive" Toph joined in with a sad tone in her voice "I kinda miss twinkle toes, everything has been so doom and gloom since he got struck" Everyone agreed and (Y/N) looked over at them "Well hey at least me Aang with have matching scars, that's kinda cool."

The group just sighed and (Y/N) looked away a little saddened, suddenly there was a sudden thud and a familiar voice rang out "Momo?" The Katara and (Y/N) looked back to see and Toph just said "Twinkle Toes!!! That's gotta be you" The two race over to him and Katara of course hugs him "Aang, you're awake!!" (Y/N) walked over with Sokka and they both had their helmets on and they both hugged him "Aang, good to see you back with the living, buddy!" Sokka said and (Y/N) responded with "Yeah good to see you arrow head."

Aang looked very confused and looked like he was about to pass out again "Sokka?, (Y/N)?" Toph's eyes widened a little and said "Uh-oh, somebody catch him, he's going to-""On it!!" (Y/N) said as Aang fell backwards and (Y/N) caught him, she took off her helmet to see better and checked his forehead "He's burning up a little, the sudden change in environment must have overwhelmed him" She let Katara hold him as she went to go get some thing to help him.

She ran back with a wet cloth and some other things including a small red robe, she let Katara cool his forehead as he slowly began to wake up again. He sat up confused and both (Y/N) and Katara helped him sit up, (Y/N) grabbed her helmet and draped the robe around him before going to stand next to Toph.

She wrapped an arm around her shoulders and let Aang talk out all his confusions "Why are we on a Fire Nation ship? Why is everyone dressed this way? And why am I the only one who's completely out of it?" (Y/N) hummed and said "Just chill out Aang, you got hurt pretty bad and don't worry you're not alone I got knocked out as well" She smiled and Toph elbowed her ribs whispering "Don't say that like its a good thing." (Y/N) recoiled from the hit and said "Sorry I was trying to make him feel better".

Katara smiled at Aang And commented "I like your hair" Aang looked confused and felt his head I have hair?, How long was I out?" Katara answered the question "A couple weeks". Then Hakoda then came over asking if everything was alright to which Katara looked a little mad telling him everything was fine, (Y/N) respected Hakoda he was a great leader and father so when Katara said that she replied with "Don't worry about Katara she's being a little moody teen right now" To which Katara replied with "I'm older than you, don't act like you know better!" (Y/N) laughed and so did Hakoda, Sokka and Toph.

Aang greeted Hakoda with a handshake and eventually Katara shooed away her dad, Aang questioned if she was mad at her dad to which she denied and (Y/N) Whisper shouted "Moody teeeeeen" Katara was about to blow up but Aang gasps in pain and Katara immediately went to help bringing him to his room for a healing session.

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