Chap 10

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Yo I'm back with another chap, and guess what guys. We hit 1k well now it's 1.1K but anyways thank you so muchI really didn't think this book would get so popular and to those who are still reading thank you for reading this book it means the world to me that strangers would actually want to read my book. 

But I'd also like to congratulate Nixlir , their Toph x reader book hit 100k readers and thats just mind-blowing, so show them some love and congratulate them because that amazing. And to Nyx if you're reading this congratulations you really do deserve every good comment form that book and I wish you well. 

but enough being said lets get on with the Chap.


As the sun rose once more in the hot desert, Katara walked around waking everyone up. (Y/N) was not happy and neither was Sokka but they had to get up anyways, both of them still a little tipsy on the Cactus juice. Toph sat up smacking her lips and saying sleepily "Yesterday my mouth tasted like mud. Now it just tastes like sand. I never thought I'd miss the taste of mud so much." (Y/N) was next to Toph and mumbled "I guess but it's better than nothing".

Katara went to wake up Aang but he interrupted "I'm awake. I couldn't sleep." "Well, we need to get moving if we want to get out of this sand pit." Katara said, trying to encourage everyone, Suddenly Aang and Katara spotted something in the sky and Aang's mood brighted immediately "Appa!" he said joyfully before Sokka interjected "Appa‌? But why would Princess Yue need him‌? She's the moon! She flies by herself" A closer look at 'Appa' but it was actually a small desert cloud which looked like Appa.

Katara looked sad and said, " It's just a cloud" she then perked up and said " Wait! A cloud! Here, fly up and bend the water from that cloud into my pouch" She said, pushing the pouch into his hands, Aang angrily grabbed the pouch and then took the water and put it in the pouch. He hands it over and Katara looks in it "Wow... there's hardly any in there" Aang then lashes out "I'm sorry, okay! It's a desert cloud; I did all I could! What's anyone else doing?! What are YOU doing!?" He points his staff at everyone else and then at


Katara looked shocked and said back "Trying to keep everyone together. Let's just get moving. We need to head this direction" Katara looks at her charts and leads the group in a direction, After a while of walking before Toph trips and lands on her face (Y/N) dopely helped her up and said "You okay?" she tilted her head and Toph nodded pulling away a little. Toph then rubs her right foot and says "Crud! I am so sick of not feeling where I'm going!" Toph said pointing toward the little rocklike shaped object she tripped over "And what idiot buried a boat in the middle of the desert‌?" Everyone looked confused and (Y/N) said "A.... Boat?" Katara looks closely at the object and Toph scoffs saying "Believe me, I kicked it hard enough to feel plenty of vibrations."

Everyone turned and katara brushed away some sand to reveal a bit of wood sticking out "Hey at least you didn't get a splinter" (Y/N) said observing it, she stepped back with Toph who was still rubbing her foot and Aang used his airbending to move all the sand away to reveal a boat of some sorts. Katara crawled onto it examining around "It's one of the gliders the sandbenders use! And look! It's got some kind of compass on it!" (Y/N) curiously tapped on the compass with an overjoyed Katara next to her "I bet it can point us out of here! Aang, you can bend a breeze so we can sail it. We're going to make it!" (Y/n) said "Finally I don't want to be near sand ever again" "Don't have to say that twice" Toph responded while walking over to (Y/N).

Soon enough they were racing through the desert following the compass as they rode "The needle on this compass doesn't seem to be pointing north according to my charts" (Y/N) looked over her shoulder and then the compass which Katara had covered with her map "sorry can't help you with this one" Toph said putting her hands up. Sokka was blabbering a little more still a little tipsy on the cactus juice but it seemed to be wearing off and (Y/N) was pretty much back to her normal self. There was a gasp from Katara who was looking at something up ahead "That's what the compass is pointing to! That giant rock! It must be the magnetic center of the desert" Toph looked excited at the word Rock which (Y/N) laughed a little at " A Rock!? Yes let's go!!" everyone else mumbled about something while (Y/N) stared at the big rock which had holes in it apparently, she observed it and Toph came over saying "How big is the rock I wanna know" (Y/N) laughed and said "It's huge" Toph seemed to smiled even bigger than before.

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