Chap 38

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Hey guys sorry this is a bit late, just had a lot going on so you have this today, but anyways hope you enjoy :P

But here it it, the 4 part finale!!!


Sozin's Comet Part 1 of 4

Everyone had slept off but not forgotten about the ember island plays, currently however Zuko had taken over the firebending training while (Y/N) relaxed a little, since earlier she had lectured the both for almost hitting the Gaang with their fire after getting carried away.Everyone was there watching apart from Toph who was still asleep in their room,

(Y/N) watched as Zuko was lecturing Aang with his unsuccessful attempt of trying to put more force behind his attacks, it was quite comical at fire but Katara was giving her a look so she had to step in.

She walked up to Zuko and stepped next to him, she nudged his shoulder and spoke out "The problem with his attacks is that he isn't committing to it, I can see that he's still holding back". Her eyes pierced right through Aang who gave a shy smile and rubbed the back of his neck nervously, but that all went away and Katara called out while having two watermelons with straws sticking out of the "Who wants a nice cool glass of watermelon juice?". This made both Aang's and (Y/N) heads pop up with excitement.

While (Y/N) rushed over to get one Zuko had grabbed the back of Aang's tunic saying " Hey! Your lesson's not over yet! Get back here!", (Y/N) who was sipping on the cool watermelon juice saifd "Chill out scarface, you both need a break". Zuko with a sigh lets go of Aang who quickly ran over to get his juice yelled "Fine!, If you want to lounge around like a bunch of snail sloths all day, then go ahead!", before (Y/N) could retort he had already walked away.

She let out a huge huff of annoyance and Sokka hummed, gaining the attention of everyone "Maybe Zuko's right. Sitting around the house has made us pretty lazy. But I know just the thing to change all that" He stood up and took off his robe leaving him only in his swimming trunks "BEACH PARTY!!",he yelled while running towards the beach.

(Y/N) smiled as she headed on inside to go wake Toph up and let her know, she walked down the dark and bare hallways littered with many paintings of memories, it was almost creepy but sentimental at the same time. Eventually she made it to the room and quietly opened the door slowly as to not wake Toph just yet, she creeped over towards the bed which Toph in her nightgown had spread herself all over the bed. It was cute to see her like that but that moment shortly ended at the firebender pisces the girl up and threw her back on the bed with Toph making a "Oof!" sound as she crashed onto the mattress.

With a brisk laugh (Y/N) crawled onto the bed with the blind earthbender "Get up my tiny Badgermole, we're having a beach party you need to wake up". Toph looked at her with an annoyed look and groaned "Seriously", (Y/N) laughed and cuddled her kissing cheek softly with Toph angrily cuddled into her saying "Fine just get your stuff and get out, I'll meet you outside."She was pushed out of the bed with (Y/N) laughing and rubbing her back as she landed on the floor "Ow I'm sorry".


By now the two had gotten changed into their swim clothes with Toph who still had the necklace on not bothering to take it off or ask (Y/N) to, they headed towards the beach seeing Katara surfing the waves with a ice surfboard, Suki just laying on a towel and Aang making a sand sculpture of Appa, (Y/N) had an arm around her girlfriend saying to her "You look good in your swimsuit". The earthbender physically froze and elbowed her "Shut up....", after a couple seconds she then mumbled "Thanks anyways".

They walked up to Aang as he smiled while saying "Check out my Appa sand sculpture", the look that Toph had and the small smirk (Y/N) just knew she was going to outshine him. So with a small knowing smile she shrugged her arm off the Earthbender as she said "Not bad, baldy, but I've been working on my sandbending." She cracked her fingers as she stretched her arms a little "You're gonna love this." (Y/N)laughed ina amusement and replied "I'm sure we will" sarcastically as Toph playfully stuck her tongue out back at her before doing the thing.

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