Chap 7

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Dang this is the longest chapter yet, I worked hard on this one!!!! :D nearly 2000 words


Team Avatar had set up camp in a Mountainous range and it has been a day since (Y/N) had woken up, she was still chilling in the Earth tent with Toph saying "So todays the day you're teaching Aang huh?" Toph nodded and said "Yeah, don't expect me to go easy on him" (Y/N) laughed and smiled saying "oh I never doubted you for a second".

They both could hear Aang excitedly cheering in the background and (Y/N) commented to Toph "I think you should go" Toph nodded and left, (Y/N) stood up to join but Toph closed the earth tent and said "Oh no you don't you need to rest". (Y/N) huffed angrily sitting down and leaning against the earth door, she heard outside "Good morning, Sifu Toph" Katara then quickly commented back a bit disappointed "Hey, you never called me Sifu Katara" "Oh do you want me to...." Aang asked. Sokka was grumbling and Toph just laughed saying "Sorry we'll do our earthbending quietly somewhere else" she whispered that last bit.

(Y/N) pounded on the Earth door and said "lemmie out Toph!!!" Toph looked over and rolled her eyes with a smile "Toph shouldn't you let her out" Toph laughed and said "Nah she needs to rest" (Y/N) tried to kick it down but obviously it failed "Try all you wan't (Y/N) you're not getting out~" Toph left with Aang to train. (Y/N) groaned and said "seriously!, Sokka help me out" There was no response, since Sokka had already left with everyone else "Great now what am I supposed to do" She laid down still grumpy, she just started playing around with her firebending making all different shapes and animals on a small scale enough to fit in her palm.

Throughout the day there were a lot of crashes and bangs heard in the distance, clearly Toph wasn't going easy on Aang. She tried banging on the door again knowing that Toph would feel the vibrations, Toph on the other hand did indeed feel those vibrations and reluctantly opened the earth door. (Y/N) rushed out and headed over to where the noise was, she saw Aang with a giant boulder on his back and Toph just watching arms crossed. Poor Aang was struggling since Air and Earth are opposite elements to each other, but eventually he was getting the hang of it. "This time we're going to try something a little different. Instead of moving a rock, you're going to stop a rock. Get in your horse stance! I'm going to roll that boulder down at you. If you have the attitude of an earthbender, you'll stay in your stance and stop the rock. Like this!" (Y/N) then said concerned for Aang's safety, "Um Toph, are you sure this is the best way of Teaching him Earthbending?" Which was a bad choice of words since that just gave Toph the idea to Blindfold Aang "Whoops sorry Aang" (Y/N) said laughing nervously.

Toph rolled the Big boulder down the hill and Aang right at the last moment chickened out and jumped over it, "Sorry I guess I Just panicked" he said to Toph who ran towards him a bit ticked off. " you blew it! You had a perfect stance, and a perfect form. But when it came right down to it, you didn't have the guts!" Oh yeah she was ticked off "Toph you gotta give him some slack" She turned to (Y/N) "Well he's not going to master earthbending if I do" she crossed her arms, Toph went back to talking to Aang well basically scolding him and so Katara took Aang to practice waterbending "Yeah, whatever, go splash around until you feel better." Toph grumbled before heading off, (Y/N) sighed and just headed to try to find some food to cook.

She found Sokka stuck in the ground and said "Wow you really can't be left alone for more than a minute" "Oh Shut up" he grumbled and (Y/N) laughed as the saber-tooth moose-lion cub pulled out Sokka's ponytail. (Y/N) sat down next to him and Sokka just looked at her " So ignoring the fact that I'm stuck in the ground, what's bothering you?" (Y/N) laughed softly saying "was it that obvious" Sokka nodded "Go on tell me, we're friends".

(Y/N) sighed with a smiled, rolling her eyes "Well something is weird about me and Toph, well I mean ever since I got hurt she's been acting more protective which is strange" Sokka nodded and said "well the damage was pretty bad, we all thought we had lost you....." It went silent then Sokka said "Well Toph made us promise never to tell you this but I think you need to know, while you were unconscious Toph never left your side, she admitted that she was scared for you and refused to come out of the tent unless we had to travel. I think for now she's scared of losing you" (Y/N) just stared in disbelief at Sokka and then smiled "well thank you for telling me Sokka"

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