Chap 19

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Hey ya'll so I have some exciting news, since I'm on school break I might be doing double uploads every week so watch out for that. 

Also thank you for 13K and also I makes me so happy when I see all of your guy's comments and I respond to as many as I can, so don't be scared to make a funny comment I love reading them all it brightens my day but anyways enjoy the chap!!!


The four were flying across the skys with Toph hanging onto (Y/N)'s arm trying not to fall off Appa who still didn't have a saddle, She looked blankly stared towards nothing before asking Aang " did it go with the guru? Did you master the Avatar state?" Aang seemed to stare off and was only brought back when (Y/N) "Aang, you okay?" he wondered as (Y/N) and Sokka looked over at him. He smiled nervously and said "Y-Yeah I'm great, it went great with the guru! I completely mastered the Avatar state" he laughed nervously and (Y/N) said "You sure you don't sound like it" Aang started making excuses and Toph seemed to pick up on it as well but they both decided to leave him alone.

They all had their eyes on the palace in the center of Ba Sing Se and eventually stuck a landing right in front of the palace entrance, they all hopped off with (Y/N) jumping down next to Toph who just created a staircase for herself. They all walked to the throne room where the King was sitting and looked at them questioningly "Oh have you four returned from your small adventures already?" Aang frantically began asking about Katara, disregarding what the King said before to which he assured them that she was fine and was with the kyoshi warriors, (Y/N) was listening the whole time feeling a little off about the whole situation. She just didn't know why.

(Y/N)'s heart began to race a little starting to think that something might actually be wrong and soon she was consumed by those thoughts, until a small hand was felt interlaced with hers she looked over to see Toph who was still looking at the Earth king said "it's hard to concentrate with your heart beating so loudly" (Y/N) laughed a little and went back to focusing on the conversation.

Eventually they all decided to head back to the estate and they all got in a carriage which took them there, as they stepped out there seemed a sudden cold air rushed by them and it seemed all of them felt it. Aang opened the door and it was all dark and empty, Momo came up to them and he smiled "Momo!" He climbed up Aang's arm and sat on his shoulder, (Y/N) peaked inside and said "But where is Katara?" Aang then said "I knew Katara was in trouble!!" They all walked inside and closed the door, they turned on some lights and sat down around a table. They began to discuss the situation but Toph interrupted "There's someone at the door" everyone stayed silent and two seconds later there was a knock at the door.

Toph smiled to herself and said "Actually I know who it is, it's an old friend of mine" Toph answered the door with (Y/N) looking curiously at the now open door and in the door was none other than Iroh, Toph smiled more taking with him a little.

(Y/N) got up walking towards the wideopen door saying "Iroh, I haven't seen you for a couple days, how have you been" With a friendly chuckle he said "I'm doing well" He seemed to notice the necklace around Toph's neck and said "It seems you were able to confess" (Y/N) laughed and nodded Iroh's face then turned serious saying "I need your help" he was then rudely interrupted.

The boys looked angry and surprised going into fighting positions, (Y/N) rolled her eyes and said "Calm down, he's fine" Aang looked confused and said "You guys know each other" Toph nodded and so did (Y/N) " I met him in the woods once and knocked him down. Then he gave me some tea and some very good advice." The boys nodded and (Y/N) said "Well at that old town with Azula and everything we had a good talk before we were hit with the lightning, and I ran into him not too long ago."

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