Teri baccho ?

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Pr: you lost our son somewhere, then why did you come here instead of searching him..

Ab: I searched pragya but...

Pragya cries hard..

Ab: please don't cry pragya...I will somehow find our aarya..

Pr: I know you hate Pathan very much but I never know your hatred for him is greater than your love on your family..

Ab: no pragya

Pr: yes..

Ab: pra...

At that time Harish started crying, abhi was about to go near the cradle to lift him but pragya rushed near the cradle and stood Infront of the abhi hiding the cradle..

Pr: don't go near him..

Abhi looked at her shocked..

Pragya lifted Harish and hugged him closely to her...

Pragya looked at him walking towards her and says," don't come near us.."

Ab: pragya

Pragya shouts," stay away"

She kissed harish's head and says," don't cry beta... mummy is here..I will not allow him to even touch you"

Pragya looked at abhi and whispers," already you payed kiara's and Aarya's lives as price for your mission

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Pragya looked at abhi and whispers," already you payed kiara's and Aarya's lives as price for your mission.. now I will not allow you to play with Harish's life too..

Ab: pragya ...I promise you I will bring  them back safely..

At that he received a phone call, before he could attend that pragya grabs his mobile and throws it on the floor..

Abhi shouts," Pragya"

Both harish and pragya are scared hearing his loud voice..

He takes the mobile and says," if you are their mother, then I am their father... even I am concerned about them.......meri baccho ke... "

Pragya cuts him in by asking," teri baccho ? "

Abhi looks at the raw pain in her eyes and felt ashamed,.he failed to be a good father and now failed as a husband too..

His love for them failed Infront of his hatred...A big ocean failed Infront of a drop of water..

Pragya whispers," you need not love me but how can you not love your kids.."

Hearing her lifeless tone, fear gripped abhi's heart...

He cups her face and asks," how can you say like that pragya...I love you pragya"

Pragya moved back and sadly smiles...

Pr: i don't know from when your love for me started decreasing

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Pr: i don't know from when your love for me started decreasing...

Abhi nods negatively..

Pragya laid harish inside the cradle ...

Ab: please don't say like that pragya..my love is still the same..

Pr: our aarya used to always say that you don't love him..

Abhi remembers Aarya's words in car..

Pr: I always used to tell him that he is wrong and his daddy loves him a lot...Abhi our children are just kids, they need their dad's love and not money or something else..you know abhi..every wife wants her husband to love her more than their kids but I in recent years I am praying that atleast my kids should get your love...

Ab: do you hate me..

Pr: I am not a kid , I can understand your love...I stopped expecting from you but never stopped loving you..

Ab: I promise you pragya I will bring our kids home..

Pr: as a wife I can forgive you abhi but not as a mother..if something bad happened to any of our kids, then I will never forgive you..

Ab: I promise you... even if I don't return back , our kids will surely return back..

Saying he left from there leaving a broken pragya behind..

Pragya's heart felt a deep cut hearing his words...

Abhi is driving towards the station..

Abhi's pov;
     You taught me what is life and what is love ...you came to my lonely life and gave me everything... I know this mission is turning our lives upside down but pragya I should kill that Pathan otherwise I can't live peacefully...I love my work as much as I love you..

He bangs his fist on the steering and sighs loudly..

He sees pragya calling him..he cuts the call

Pragya sees the mobile and throws it on the bed..

At that time, she received a call, she quickly attends it and says

Pr: abhi...i am sorry abhi..

From the other side she hears Pathan's voice," oh...oh..what happened Mrs.Abhishek..did your husband fought with you"

Pragya remained silent..

Pa: actually I called you to give you an offer... If you want your daughter then come to green resort now..

Pr: if I come will you leave my daughter..

Pa: like I already said I want only your husband's life

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Pa: like I already said I want only your husband's life.. that's why I am calling you because I came to know that you are abhishek's jaan..

Pr: please leave him...

Pathan chuckles

Pa: Mrs.Abhishek I am not behind your husband, your husband is behind me..and one more thing just now I came to know that your elder son is missing...if you want your daughter alive then come to the resort...I will give you ten minutes time, if you want you can come with your husband..

Pragya's eyes shed tears hearing him

Pr: I will come but please leave my daughter..

Pa: you already lost your son , don't lose your daughter too..

Saying he hangs up..

Pragya immediately lifted Harish and went to green resort..


To be continued...


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