It's completely the end..

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Abhi goes to a nearby shop and buys water...

He gives the bottle to her..she simply stared at the bottle without drinking

Ab: you can drink...this bottle is sealed and also I checked the expiry date..

Pragya smiles lightly and drinks water..

At that time they sees a father coming near them..

Both looked at each other and smiled happily...

Father comes near them and blesses them saying," god bless you both"..

Then the three goes inside the orphanage

Pr: father... you said you know about aarya

Fa: yes...we got him before four years..

Ab: how did he come here father..did anyone bring him here..

Fa: I don't know about that...I am just said to inform Aarya's parents about him by my head...

Pr: where is he now father

Fa: he is here...

Abhi and pragya are very happy hearing that... finally they got their son..

Both hears kids singing prayer song...

Both smiles hearing that and thanks god...

Fa: kids are in prayer

Abhigya walks with him towards the prayer hall..

Pragya was about to fall but abhi caught her hand....

She looked at his hands..both started walking by entwining their hands..

Both are confused seeing father walking past the prayer hall..

Ab: father why are we here...this is looking like an isolated place ...

Pr: father please take us to our son...

But father didn't stop walking..

Pragya rushed to him and says," father....where is aarya"

Fa: there

Saying he pointed behind abhigya....

Both turns and their worlds stopped seeing the thing before their eyes...

Aarya's photo is imprinted on a tombstone...

Pragya is stunned seeing that..

Abhi looks around the place in is the graveyard behind the orphanage..

Pragya kneels on the floor...

Fa: I don't know anything about him because he is brought here only like this

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Fa: I don't know anything about him because he is brought here only like this..we don't even know how he died ..

Pragya screams," aaryaaa.."and started to sob loudly....

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