Life moves on but memories stay

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Abhi sees harish and purab playing with pillows and cushions..

Ab: what are you both doing

Pu: we are making pillow castle

Ab: this is looking like a hut..

Purab frowns..

Pu: you are talking as if you are an engineer...

Before abhi could say anything harish says," daddy ...purab.. Don't fight..."

Ab: tk baba...we will not fight... come let's sleep

Ha: I am going to sleep inside the castle..

Ab: no harish will get scared at night..

Ha: no no no

Ab: fine then... even I will sleep here..give one pillow

Ha: castle will fall if you take any both sleep without pillow..

Then abhi and purab sleeps on the floor near the pillow castle..

At night Harish felt very hot inside the castle so he pushed all the pillows and rolls near his daddy ...

He puts his leg over abhi's stomach and says," my legs are paining"...whereas sleepy abhi massages harish's legs ..

Then Harish sees a black shadow like thing in the corner..

He shouts in fear and cries," daddy...ghost ....daddy"

Abhi and purab immediately wakes up hearing his cries... blood drains from purab's face hearing the word ghost..

Purab hugs harish in fear...

Ab: there is nothing called ghost

Pu: don't say like that abhi, it will get angry..

Abhi slowly got up and switched on the light..

Harish and purab sighs in relief while abhi burst into laughter seeing the thing....

He goes near the chair in which clothes are piled up and thinks," atleast tomorrow I should fold all these and keep it inside the cupboard.."

Ab: Harish beta...see I said right... ghosts are not true..

Ha: no papa..

Ab: common beta are Abhishek's should not fear for anything..

Ha: you are great are not afraid of cockroaches,rats,dark,villains..
Are you scared of lions?

Abhi smiles and nods negatively..

Ha: is there anything in the world that you are scared of ?

He looked at abhi curiously..

Abhi's mind immediately thinks about his angry wife..he will not accept but he gets scared when she glares him with her big big eyes when she is angry....her eyes will easily find his mistake..

Ha: daddy

Ab:'s late.. come we will sleep..

Saying he made harish to lay near him and kissed his forehead..

Purab looked at abhi's face and thinks," why are you sticking to that silly promise abhi..go and get your wife back.."

Then next day morning abhi makes Harish to bath..

Ab: you close your eyes tightly

Ha: please daddy... don't put soap on my face..

Abhi sighs...his biggest task is to make him bath everyday..

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