Elder sissy Vs little bro

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Kiara remembers about her happy childhood memories with her daddy and mummy and then thinks how she left from here with her mummy...

Kiara remembers about her happy childhood memories with her daddy and mummy and then thinks how she left from here with her mummy

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Ab: harish stop fighting

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Ab: harish stop fighting..

Kiara looks at Harish and thinks,". I am meeting him after many years...he became very big...mummy will be very happy to see him.."

Ha: she started the fight daddy

Ki: no da..

She stops abruptly realizing what she said...

Abhi turns to her and asks," what did you say"

Ki : nothing

Ab: you are looking like a school kid... do you have licence..

Kiara glares at him

Ab: up show me your licence

Ki: why should I show you

Ha: because he is a police

Ki: Haan but he is not a traffic police right..

Ha: hello... my daddy is the assistant commissioner of police..

Kiara looked at abhi and turns to go...

Ab: oye...first you are driving without a license, second you hitted my car,third you are not respecting a police....I can arrest your dad for this...

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