Longing for each other...

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At night,

Ab : did you enjoy your day Harish

Harish frowns and says," what enjoy... everyone came with their families but I went there alone.."

Ab: sorry beta... daddy had many works today..

Ha: is work more important than me ?

Abhi remembers pragya asking the same question...to her his answer will be always a yes but he can't hurt his son by saying the same so he said," no harish....I tried to come to the carnival but "

Ha: it's okay daddy.... don't lie to me...

Abhi smiles and goes to make dinner for them...

What he heard next , shocked him to the core..

Ha: thank god...atleast pragya came there..

Purab who stepped inside the house is shocked to hear pragya's name after many years...

Pu: who came

Ha: she is a nuisance...

Pu: what

Abhi relaxes hearing that..

Ab: she is a little girl

Ha: she looks small but she is studying first year..

Ab: really?

Ha: even I am shocked...but she said me she is like her mummy...

Abhi smiles and asks," did you both fight even today"

Ha: yes..it was fun...

Saying he chuckles ...

After sometime, harish is laying between purab and abhi on the bed and says," do you know daddy...I saw her today.."

Ab: whom..

Ha: that bhuddiya

Abhi looked at him confused while purab asked," who is that"

Ha: at supermarket one aunty scolded me for calling an oldie as bhuddiya , I saw that aunty today...

Pu: she advised you but in return you are calling her as bhuddiya..

Ha: daddy gave her that name

Ab: me?

Ha: Haan.. leave that...today she was giving food to poor people...at that time I saw her..

Pu: wow...she must be a kind lady..

Ha: haan purab that's why I decided to ask sorry to her , but when I met her I again annoyed her by snatching her corn...so I will ask sorry to her the next time..

Ab: Harish, purab both of you sleep, I will come now...

Saying he left from there immediately..

Pu: where are you going at this time..

But got no reply..

Here abhi is walking on the road in heavy rain...his mind went to the past..

Flashback begins:

Abhi went to Delhi ,to investigate a case , at that time he saw a beautiful girl in white churidar walking towards him...she looked nothing less than an angel...he saw her giving food to poor kids...

he saw her giving food to poor kids

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