Won the race but lost the trophy...

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Purab rushed inside the house and sees abhi crying by hugging harish..

Pu: abhi.. why are you crying...where is pragya

Ab: she left me

Saying he burst into tears....

Ab: she said she can't live with a bad person..

Purab's eyes brimmed seeing his friend so vulnerable...he knows for past few years he distanced himself from his family as his only aim was to kill Pathan..he sacrificed many things for this mission and finally he won the race.....but lost the trophy..

Pu: abhi

At that time Harish cried ....

Abhi lifts him and rocks him to sleep..

Pu: why is he not sleeping

Ab: I think he is hungry...you hold him

Saying he gave harish to purab and went inside the kitchen...

Somewhere in Delhi , Simar sees the clock showing time one past and says

Simar: Prem who is ringing our bell at midnight...

Prem: you sleep I will go and check..

Si: I will come with you...

Then both goes and opens the door ....

Both are shocked to see pragya like that

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Both are shocked to see pragya like that...she looked dead and worn...she is standing in the rain by glancing at the floor...

Prem: pragya

She stood there without responding..

Simar lifts Kiara who is standing near the door..

Prem holds pragya's hand and brings her inside the house..

Simar gives a towel to Prem ...he got that and dried pragya's hair..

Si: pragya go and change your dress...I will make Kiara to change her dress..

But pragya simply stood there silently..

Pre: pragya..

She slowly went inside a room...

After sometime, pragya and Prem are sitting in hall and drinking coffee..

Simar comes there and says," Kiara slept.."

Saying she sits near pragya and asks," what happened pragya...what are these scratches in your face and your forehead is bruised.."

Prem furiously asked," did abhi hit you"

Si: Prem

Pragya looks at her Bhai and asks," don't you know about him.."

Si: where is aarya and Harish..

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