Is this the end ?

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Abhi sneaks inside the building..he hears some foot steps and loads his gun..

He sees a silhouette behind a screen ...

From the other side he went Infront of the screen and points the gun Infront of the person...

That person gasps in fear and looks at him

Abhi whispers,"pragya"

Pragya looked at him and then sees her watch..

She mutters," only two minutes more"

Ab: two minutes ?

Pragya looked at him..

Ab: what two minutes?

Pragya nods negatively..

Abhi glares at her..

Pr: he called me here...

Ab: what is your problem pragya?...he is already having our daughter and now you are going to give him our son also..

Pr: don't shout at me....I am not like their daddy..

Abhi grits his teeth and asks," then why did you come here"

Pr: I came here to save our Kiara...he said me if I come then he will leave our Kiara .

Ab: he is not that much good to keep up his words ..

Pr: and I am not that much bad to leave my daughter to him..

Saying she was about to move

Ab: listen to me pragya, he will kill you..

Pr: I will even die but I will not let my Kiara to suffer anymore..

Saying she turned but abhi caught her arms and pulled her near him and shouts," stop behaving like a mad woman pragya"

He tried to lift harish from her but pragya protested..

Pr: abhi... leave him... don't touch him..

Ab: your hold is hurting him pragya

Hearing that pragya released her grip and abhi lifted Harish and kissed his cheek..

Pr: you be with him...I will go inside

Saying she tried to leave but abhi didn't leave her hand..

Abhi shouts

Ab: listen to me pragya

Pragya shouts back

Pr: you listen to me abhi

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Pr: you listen to me abhi... please only this time...

Abhi leaves her hand and says," you go home pragya"....

Frustrated abhi runs his hand through his hair and mutters," I shouldn't have married"

Saying he was about to turn but pragya holds his hand and asked," what did you say"

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