..Eventually everything connects..

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Sorry for the delay friends...do read the previous chapter to get the flow...I hope you will like this plot..


Abhi smiled hearing that....

Purab slapped him and tells,"what do you want...what is your problem with him..."

Seeing Ira continuously glaring abhi , purab slapped him forcefully making him to stumble back..

Pragya's eyes brimmed seeing the blood in Ira's lips..

Seeing purab hitting Ira badly abhi stops him ..

Ab: bring water purab

Purab glares at Ira and goes to bring water...

Abhi casually asks Ira," did he die by my hands?"

Ira looks at him

Ab: father ....your father

Seeing Ira not replying abhi asks

Ab:then revenge for your dead brother?

Ira smirks and asks

Ir: revenge? Kya revenge?

Ab: if this is not for revenge then..

Before he could complete his sentence, Ira tells," purpose of my life is to destroy you  ... totally ...."

Abhi looks at him and smiles

Pragya slowly moves backwards, till her back hitted the wall

She thinks," this is not true...how can this be true ...."

She sits on the floor and rests her head over the wall ...

She closes her eyes and recalls her past encounters with Ira ..she remembers seeing that old lady with Ira at the temple..she opens her eyes immediately..

Her heart and brain are in war ...her poor heart tells this is true but her miserable mind tells this is just her wish..

Abhi turns and sees pragya sitting on the floor pale

He moves and sits near her ,he  holds her hand and consoles her..

None of her husband's words entered pragya's ears ...she feels throbbing pain in her chest seeing Ira's eyes ...

He is looking at abhi's hands furiously..

He shouts," I am going to make your life a living hell Abhishek Prem Mehra"

Harish rushed inside the hall with teary eyes after hearing the past from his sister...Kiara too comes there following him...both stopped in their tracks hearing Ira's threat..

Pragya frees her hand from abhi's grip and slowly gets up ...she walks near Ira

She sees him looking past her and she knows he is glaring abhi who is standing behind her..
She looks around thinking," we all are in one house...i always dreamt about this day but for some reason I couldn't be happy...no one can be blamed here...no one.."

She wipes her tears and holds Ira's chin and make him to look at her..

Ira's furious eyes gets misty seeing pragya's pathetic eyes..

Kiran and purab comes there...Abhi goes near purab seeing his distressed  face..

Ab: what happened purab ,  you...

Kiran interrupted abhi by saying," we cross checked a lot..."and  shows a file to him..

Pu: may be this is also his plan...

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