Chapter 48

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The couple chose a quiet corner in the cafe where they could talk privately. Yoongi had the urge to scold Jimin for ordering a large iced blended coffee drink with two extra shots of caramel syrup and extra whipped cream but he bit his tongue. It's not his place at the moment.

"How are you, Yoongi? Are you sleeping and eating well?", Jimin began as he looked closely at the older. Yoongi still looked stressed but not as much as the weeks prior.

"I'm okay. Namjoon took some of my work off my back and lessened my load. And we decided to delay the comeback of several groups since everyone is so busy right now. We'll just resume production after the holidays."

"That's good, Yoongi. I always tell you this but you really do work too hard. You need to take a break once in a while.", Jimin said as he slurped the last of his drink.

"What about you, ba-, I mean, Jimin?", Yoongi coughed trying to hide the slip up but Jimin seemed to choose to ignore it.

"Exhausted. I can't wait for the NYE concert to be done already. Why did the bosses have to decide to have a family concert with lots of collaborations in between groups? It's so hard to teach everyone at the same time.", the head choreographer gave a small pout making Yoongi internally coo.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. It just made sense at the time when one of the senior officers suggested it. It's a good way for our artists to bond and show solidarity. It will also give chance for the fans of our big groups to discover and get familiar with our new groups. We didn't mean to give everyone a hard time."

Jimin gave Yoongi a small smile.

"I know, I didn't mean to complain. I get it. It's tiring but I agree that this was a great idea. It's actually about time that the company did something like this."

Yoongi nodded and thanked Jimin for his opinion. Both obviously wanted to talk more but for some reason they couldn't think of anything else to say so they fell silent. Yoongi studied Jimin for awhile before blurting out, "I'm sorry!"

The dancer's eyes widened before quickly looking at his lap and started playing with the hem of his shirt.

"Jimin, please look at me. I really am sorry. I didn't mean to be too controlling."

"But you were. You got too strict and you lashed at me even for the smallest reasons. Why?", Jimin asked in a small voice as he lifted his head to look at Yoongi, eyes starting to form tears already.

"I guess I was overwhelmed with so much work that I lost control over that aspect of my life. I wanted to feel that I still have some sort of control and I turned to the one thing that I at least knows am still in charge - our relationship. I didn't realize that I was hurting you already. It was so wrong of me to take out all of my frustrations at you. Please forgive me.", Yoongi said sincerely. Jimin pouted.

"You could have talked to me so that I could have helped you sort out your problems. Instead, you pushed me away while keeping me on a tight leash. It was very confusing. I actually thought you were cheating on me that's why you wanted me at home all the time so that I wouldn't catch you in the act. And I felt unloved because you refused to make love to me. I was so lonely.", Jimin admitted, letting the tears now fall freely. He didn't realize how much emotions he's kept inside and now it feels good to finally let it all out.

"I'm so sorry, baby, for making you feel that way. I would never cheat on you. And you're right. I should have come to you when everything became too much already. I should have asked for help. I know that now. Please give me a chance to prove to you that I've changed. I'm really trying. I'm going home early, I'm eating regularly, I'm letting the senior producers take charge...

"Let me make everything up to you. Please come home already, Jimin. The house is so quiet without you. I miss you so much.", the older said, voice cracking with emotion. If they weren't in a public place he would have kneeled already but he knows Jimin wouldn't want to attract the attention of the other patrons so he just settled with holding the younger's hands.

Jimin gave Yoongi a tight smile and squeezed his hands. "Give me some more time, Yoongi. I'm no longer mad but I still feel hurt by your actions. I understand now why you treated me that way but just because I do doesn't mean I'm okay with everything that has happened. Please be patient with me."

"Thank you, Jimin. Of course, I'll wait for you, no matter how long it takes. I promise!"

"Thank you, Yoongi.", Jimin said as he wiped his tears.

"Can we... uhm, can I take you out to dinner? I mean, is it okay if we start going out on dates again? Will Taehyung mind?"

Jimin couldn't help but laugh out loud at that.

"Taehyung really did a number on you, didn't he?", the dancer teased while the producer blushed.

"Hey, in my defense I was caught off guard. But I knew that I deserved it so I let him get away with it."

"Yeah, you did. Did you know that he planned on kicking you on the nuts if Namjoon hyung did not arrived?", Jimin snickered.

Yoongi winced at the thought. He must remember to treat Namjoon to a nice dinner later.

"But yes, Yoongi. I guess we can start seeing each other again. Let's take it slow, if that's okay?"

"Of course, Jimin. We'll do it on your pace. And if there's anything you need or want, just tell me. You're the boss."

"Really?", the younger asked excitedly. Yoongi looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Yes.", the producer started carefully. "Why? What are you planning?"

Jimin's smile finally reached up to his eyes.

"Well, I still have your credit card and YSL just launched a new collection..."

Yoongi groaned. He should have known.

"Fine. You can buy up to three items."

Jimin frowned while Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Okay, four."

Jimin huffed, crossed his arms over his chest and slumped in his chair.

"You already have everything you want in the cart, don't you? Go ahead and buy it all. Just please don't max out my credit card.", the older relented. He'll probably regret this later once he gets notified by their bank after the completed transaction but anything to make Jimin happy. He'll just hope that Jimin didn't pick out the outrageously expensive items.

Jimin giggled upon seeing Yoongi's conflicted face. He's obviously not keen on letting Jimin go wild on his credit card but at the same time is willing to do anything to get on his boyfriend's good graces back again.

"Relax. I was just messing with you. It's only a winter coat.", the younger said much to Yoongi's relief. "And I'll give you back your credit card after I'm done shopping."

"Oh, it's okay Jimin. You can keep it. Use it whenever you want."

"No, Yoongi. I realized I've become too dependent on you when it came to handling my own finances. I should get my own credit cards again. I've gotten so much better with how I spend my money so you don't have to worry about me going bankrupt or going into debt because of my shopping habits. I'll be good. I promise!"

Yoongi nodded and told Jimin how proud he is of him. But there's this nagging feeling again in the pit of his stomach. Of course, he wants his boyfriend to learn how to live independently but he couldn't help but think that Jimin is slowly taking actions in starting a new life. A life without him. And Yoongi doesn't like that at all. But still he smiled and listened to Jimin's plans and encouraged him. He promised the younger that he's trying to change and is willing to wait until Jimin's ready to forgive him. And if that meant allowing Jimin to live his life without him by his side then Yoongi's willing to make that sacrifice especially if at the end of it all, Jimin's coming back home for good.

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