Chapter 20

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"Wow! If looks could kill!", Taemin suddenly spoke beside Jimin.

BTS is currently rehearsing for their tour and a lot of the staff are there to watch including the managers and producers. Speaking of producers, yep Adora is there. Yep, Yoongi is also there. No, Namjoon is not there busy doing who knows what. And yep, Adora and Yoongi are seated close to each other, talking animatedly, both not really paying attention to what was happening in front.

And that is why Jimin has been giving the two dagger looks and also not paying attention to the ongoing rehearsals.

"Why is she even here? It's not as if she already has a song in the concert lineup.", Jimin frowned.

"You know we always do this. The idols need an audience for feedback. Also, it's good for her to be acclimated to the company. Just chill. You said that Yoongi hyung already assured you that he's not interested in her other than being co-producers. So what is your problem?", Taemin questioned.

"Yoongi is not. But what if she is? What if she's already making plans of stealing him away from me?", Jimin asked in a hushed tone.

"Stop watching K-dramas! It already affected your brain. And even if, let us say, she really has plans on stealing Yoongi, I don't think you have anything to worry about. The boss will never cheat on you. He's too smitten!", Taemin rolled his eyes.

Jimin just narrowed his eyes at Adora.

"I am telling you, Taemin. She cannot be trusted."


"Namjoon hyung? Can I come in?", Jimin asked as he poked his head in Rkive, Namjoon's studio.

The tall producer smiled and gestured for the smaller to come in and take a seat in the small couch inside. Jimin's a bit surprised to see him in casual clothes. He's the one who insisted to Yoongi that they should wear suits at work just like the rest of the company officers, even though they spend a chunk of their time in their respective studios instead of their actual formal offices.

Namjoon chuckled upon seeing Jimin's face.

"I know, I don't usually dress like this but Hobi's complaining that I don't wear the clothes he buys for me and that I'm just wasting money. Since today's a rather relaxed day, no scheduled meeting, I decided to wear something more casual. These actually still have tags in them when I picked them out of the closet."

Then he added, more of to himself, "Although we wouldn't be really wasting money if he just stops buying clothes I would never wear."

Jimin just laughed in response.

"Anyway, what brought you here?"

Jimin took a deep breath before starting.

"Hyung, please don't tell anyone about this conversation, okay? Especially Yoongi."

"O-kay? Why is there a problem with you and Yoongi hyung?"

"No hyung! It's just... why was Adora accepted here when we don't even have an opening? I just find it weird."

Namjoon was silent before answering.

"Hmmmm... why are you asking me that? Shouldn't you be asking hyung about that? He is the one who accepted her, after all."

"But you know the story?"

The producer smiled.

"We were having a producer's meeting talking about finding new ways to make sure that the fans wouldn't be bored with the music we were making for the idols. We realized while brainstorming that our ideas have been the same for the past comebacks. It's not that we lack creativity but we've been through so many comebacks already and it seems that our creative juices has dried up already. Somebody mentioned that we need new blood to add to the pool. And well, we didn't really needed to advertise because we receive applications everyday anyway from people hoping to get in. So Yoongi hyung just asked the head of HR to bring the resumes of all the producers who have applied. Yoongi hyung came across Adora's, he liked what he read, researched about her and liked what he found out. He contacted her right then and there. She happily accepted. That's it. Why?"

"Why did she apply here when she already has a successful career in LA?", Jimin asked, ignoring Namjoon's question.

"Well, she said during the entry interview that she felt that she already had done what she could and wanted in LA. She was missing home anyway, so she decided to come back to Seoul. If I think I know what you're thinking, let me just tell you that she applied to a lot of music labels. It just so happened that we contacted her first. She didn't come back to Seoul to work for Yoongi specifically, although she did say she looks up to him."

Jimin blushed. Is he that obvious? Or Namjoon is just that smart?

"Jimin, we're friends, right? Can you tell me what's really bothering you?", Namjoon asked the dancer kindly.

"I just... I thought maybe she came here because she likes Yoongi. And not just as a co-producer but as something more.", Jimin admitted shyly.

Namjoon smiled.

"You know hyung will never cheat on you, right?"

Jimin sighed exasperated.

"That's what everyone keeps telling me. But what about her? What if she does something to keep Yoongi away from me? What if she tries to steals him?"

The producer stood up from his chair, sat beside the dancer and placed his arms over his shoulder.

"Have you talked to Yoongi hyung about your concerns? And so what if she likes him like that? As long as hyung does not encourage her advances or reciprocate her feelings then there's no problem."

Jimin looked at his boss and friend. He perfectly understood what the other was saying but still he couldn't help but feel insecure.

"We've talked about it already. I don't want him to think that I don't trust him if I keep bringing it up.", Jimin said.

"Do you want me to talk to him?"

Jimin shook his head.

"This is my problem, hyung. I'm the one who keeps feeling insecure when Yoongi does everything to assure me that I have nothing to worry about. I have to work on my personal issues."

Namjoon nodded.

"But still, you are partners and you should be able to talk to each other without any judgement. If you're still feeling uneasy about the situation then you have to tell him. You both need to work on a solution that will make you feel secure in your relationship."

Jimin smiled.

"Thank you, hyung. I just don't want to be a burden to Yoongi and bother him with my issues."

"You shouldn't feel that way because you're not. And your feelings and issues are all valid and should be addressed properly. Don't keep it from hyung. Let him help you."

Namjoon then chuckled.

"I'm sorry I can't do anything about your situation. I can't just fire Adora just because you're feeling jealous. And we truly are lucky to have her in our team because she's really talented. Maybe if you try to get to know her better, you'll feel more at ease with her presence. See for yourself if she really is what you think she is. Who knows? You might be surprised in a good way. If she does something that will affect your relationship with Yoongi hyung then let's see what we can and have to do about it. Okay?", Namjoon said in an assuring tone.

Jimin smiled at him feeling a little bit better.

"Thank you Namjoon hyung for listening to me. I'll talk to Yoongi about this. And don't worry, from
now on I'll try to keep an open mind when it comes to Adora."

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