Yoonie's belt

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"I hate your belt. I'm going to collect each and every one of it and burn them.", Jimin declared as he cried while lying face down on their couch, glaring red bare bottom raised by throw pillows on full display.

Yoongi, meanwhile, sat on the other couch, rolling his eyes at him, still holding said implement in his hand. It's the first time in a while that Jimin has been punished and he's being a drama queen about it. The older didn't even spank him that hard and he only gave him ten strikes as opposed to their usual fifteen.

"Come on, Jimin. Stand up now and let me take care of you so we can cuddle.". The younger refused to stand up after Yoongi declared his punishment was over, choosing to wallow in misery. In his opinion, he was unjustly punished. It wasn't his fault that Taehyung got drunk and failed to inform Yoongi of their whereabouts. Granted that it was his responsibility to call his boyfriend to tell him that they're drinking after dinner so he'll be home late, but his bestfriend assured him that he'll do it for him when his phone died, so he didn't bother to check if he really did. He didn't realize that his so-called soulmated failed him until he got home to a fuming Yoongi, who's standing in the middle of their living room, arms crossed in front of his chest, with a belt ready on his hand. So, really, Taehyung should be the one who should have gotten spanked and not him!

"No! I'm going to stay here and rot away until you promise to get rid of all your evil belts!", the younger stubbornly declared. The CEO chuckled. Now, why would he do that? He needs his belt to hold his pants up. Plus, it's a nice accesory to add to his outfit to make him look cool. Not to mention an effective implement in disciplining the whining brat in front of him. So, no, his belts aren't going anywhere.

"Fine. Suit yourself. I'm going to sleep.", the older declared as he stood up, bringing his prized possession with him.

Jimin glared at Yoongi as the other climbed the stairs. He continued to lay there feeling sorry for himself when his boyfriend came back with a soothing balm in hand.

"Oh, you stubborn, little brat.", Yoongi murmured as he applied the balm on Jimin's bottom. The younger didn't protest and just let him because, well, it feels nice. Once done, Yoongi carefully pulled up Jimin's pants and soflty tapped his butt.

"Come on now, baby. Let's go up and rest, okay? I'll make you your favorite breakfast tomorrow and then we can go get ice cream after work. Sounds good?"

Yoongi is not one to bribe but he's really tired now and no longer has patience for Jimin's antics. He's willing to do anything just so he can sleep already. The dancer lifted his head and looked back at Yoongi.

"Really? You'll allow me to eat ice cream tomorrow. even though I was bad?", Jimin asked softly, still sniffling.

"Yes, Jimin. Just this one time, so don't get used to it.", Yoongi answered.

"Can I get the triple scoop banana split?", the dancer hopefully asked as he pushed himself up to a kneeling position on their couch, wiping away his tears. Yoongi sighed.

"Yes, but we'll share. Now, let's go and sleep."

"Okay! Thank you, Yoonie!", Jimin finally smiled and wrapped his arms around Yoongi. The older picked him up, careful not to touch his tender bottom.

Once they've changed into their pajamas and went to bed, Jimin laid his head on Yoongi's chest and played with the buttons of Yoongi's top.

"I'm sorry for making you worry, Yoonie. Next time I won't forget to charge my phone and also bring a powerbank, just in case. If my phone died just like tonight, I'll borrow a phone and call you personally instead of relying on others to contact you for me."

Yoongi smiled upon hearing that. At least, even after throwing a fit after getting spanked, Jimin knows what he did wrong and is genuinely sorry for it. He leaned down to kiss his boyfriend's head.

"Thank you. I forgive you, baby. Now rest and sleep."

"Okay, goodnight Yoonie."

"Goodnight baby."


Yoongi woke up the next day alone. He was confused because that rarely happens but just assumed that Jimin needed to get to work early today. He decided not to think too much of it and proceeded to do his usual morning routine. After showering he went to their walk in closet to get dressed. But his eyes widened and mouth hung open when he opened his accessory closet.

Each and every one of his belt is missing.


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