Chapter 13

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Jimin kept sneezing and coughing while he and Yoongi are preparing to go to work. The older stopped momentarily from putting on his suit and peeked into their bathroom where Jimin is currently brushing his teeth.

"Baby? Are you okay? Are you feeling sick?"

"This is nothing, Yoongi. I'm fine. Probably just allergies or something.", Jimin sniffed.

Yoongi went to him and felt his forehead noting it to be warm. "Maybe you should stay at home today. Rest it out to prevent it from becoming worse."

"Don't worry about me, babe. I can go to work today. I'll just drink lots of water and double up on my vitamins."

Yoongi frowned at his stubborn boyfriend.


"Yoonie... I'm okay. I promise.", Jimin said and hugged his boyfriend after he finished brushing. He looked up at him smiling trying his best to convince the CEO.

"Aish. Fine, brat. Just promise me if you feel worse you tell me immediately so I can take you home. And take a cold medicine."

Jimin promised and did what Yoongi instructed him. Once they're both done preparing, Yoongi drove them to the company. He helped Jimin with his bags and walked him to the locker room. Before he left, he reminded Jimin to take it easy for the day and to inform him if there are any problems.

Jimin just laughed him off. "Thank you, Yoongi. But really, no need to worry about me. I'm fine."

With that, the couple said their goodbyes and proceeded to start their day.


Jimin is not fine.

After just a couple of hours of dancing with the trainees, he felt hot and parched. He was heaving, tired and weak at the knees. He tried to go to the water dispenser for a glass of water but he did not make it, fainting midway.

When he opened his eyes, he was already in the emergency room, with a nasal cannula and an IV drip on his right hand. He looked around and saw Yoongi talking with the doctor.

"Yoonie...", Jimin called out with a raspy voice.

"Oh, good, you're awake.", the doctor said who immediately went to his side to check him. He asked Jimin some questions and proceeded to check again his vital signs, and listened to his heart and lungs.

"Baby, how are you? What are you feeling?", Yoongi asked, voiced laced with concern, as soon as he was allowed to approach Jimin.

"I'm okay. Just thirsty and my body hurts. Can we go home now? I don't like it here.", Jimin answered, tears falling down his cheeks. He hates the hospital. He doesn't like the smell and always equate it with sad moments. He was the one who took his grandma to the hospital when she fell sick and was the only one by her side when she passed away. It happened too fast that the rest of his family couldn't come soon enough to accompany him and say goodbye properly.

"I'm sorry Mr. Park but you have to stay here for at least a couple of days. Your blood tests and chest x-ray confirms the diagnosis of Bacterial Pneumonia. We need to administer the antibiotics through your veins so that you'll get better quicker. Don't worry, we already gave you the first dose and once we see signs of improvement, there's no reason for you to stay longer.", the doctor patiently explained.

"It's okay, baby. I won't leave you alone. Your mom's also on the way here. Don't worry, we'll take good care of you.", Yoongi assured his boyfriend.

"Sir, the room is ready. Just sign these forms and we'll take you there.", a nurse informed the couple.

"That's good. Try to rest now and eat as much as you can to regain your strength. Also drink lots of liquids. If you feel anything, inform the floor nurses so that they can contact me immediately. I'll see you again tomorrow.", the doctor said before bowing to the couple and leaving the area.

Once settled in their hospital suite, Jimin reached out to Yoongi wanting to be held.

"I'm so sorry, Yoonie. I should have listened to you and stayed at home. I don't know why I'm so stubborn.", Jimin said crying.

"Hey, hey, none of that. Don't stress yourself, it's not good for you. Just focus on getting better, okay? I'm not mad. Just promise me next time, you'll listen to your body and not push yourself to exhaustion, okay?", Yoongi answered soothingly while stroking Jimin's hair.

Just as Jimin calmed down, somebody knocked on the door. Yoongi immediately opened it and was relieved to see Mrs. Park.

"Oh, Mrs. Park, thank you so much for coming immediately. I'm glad you got here safely.", Yoongi welcomed the elder with a warm hug.

"Of course, Yoongi. Thank you for informing me and taking such good care of my son.", she answered sincerely. She went to his son and quickly noticed the tears.

"Oh, honey. Why are you crying? Is there anything wrong? Do we need to call the nurse?", Mrs. Park asked worriedly, stroking his cheeks.

"No, eomma. I'm okay. I just feel bad about being sick. How did you get here so soon?", Jimin answered enjoying the warmth of his mother's hand on his face.

"I took the train. Your Appa and Jihyun will take an early morning flight tomorrow."

Jimin's eye widened but before he can speak, his mother shushed him.

"Don't worry about our work. It will still be there when we get back. Why pay the employees so much if we cannot trust them to handle the work whenever we're away? You are not an incovenience. You are a priority.", Mrs. Park told her son firmly.

Jimin just smiled and thanked his mom. Growing up, they weren't present much. But as the business grew, they are able to relax and became better at delegating the work to their employees. Their relationship with their children has improved tremendously by the time the two entered college; making sure that they made up for lost time.

The elder then turned to Yoongi.

"Go ahead, Yoongi. You can go home for now to change and get what you and Jimin need. I'll stay here.", she said kindly.

"Thank you, Mrs. Park. How about you? Do you need anything? Do you prefer to stay here with Jimin tonight or should I book you a hotel? We also have a guest room at home. I can have Iris prepare it for you.", Yoongi asked politely.

"Don't worry about me, Yoongi. I can stay with Jimin tonight. And I already booked a hotel for when his appa and brother comes tomorrow."

"Eomma, we have enough rooms at home. You'll be more comfortable there. Iris can cook for you and take care of your needs. You and appa can use my car. You don't have to worry about anything. Please cancel your booking.", Jimin told his mother looking at her with his famous puppy eyes and pout combo. The look that absolutely no one can resist.

"Aish. Alright. I'll tell Jihyun to take care of the cancellations.", his mother said caving in.

Jimin smiled contentedly.

"I'll be back with food for everyone. I'll ask the nurse if there's anything that you're not allowed to eat.", Yoongi said as he kissed Jimin's forehead. Jimin's a picky eater and would probably not like the hospital food. He waved at the two and left the hospital, grateful that his Jimin is now safe and comfortable with his mother.

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