Chapter 13

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"So, I'm guessing you're Rarity's sister," I asked Sweetie Belle as I followed her out the door. Sweetie Belle sighed and replied,"Well, duh, yeah."

"Where are we heading first?" I asked.

"We're heading to Sweet Apple Acres first to go and pick up Applebloom, then we'll go and find Scootaloo, finally, we will give you a tour together and maybe get our Cutie Marks!" Sweetie Belle started jumping for joy. What's a Cutie Mark? I wasn't about to ask a filly that question, so I just nodded and said,"Ok then, what are we waiting for? Let's go." With that, the little filly took off like a bullet. Oh no! I have to run!!?? UUGGH!!!! This is what I hate about kids! They're so energetic and run so fast you can't keep up with them. It means more work for me to keep up with them!

"Come on, Destiny, are you coming or what?!" Sweetie Belle came dashing back.

"Yeah, I'm coming, but could we please walk?" I continued, "You see, I had quite an adventure yesterday and today in the Everfree Forest and....."

"OMC (Oh My Celestia), you went to the Everfree Forest!!!!! HOW?!" Sweetie Belle all of a sudden dropped her jaw.

"You mean 'Where?" I said. The filly looked at me confused.

"I'll explain everything as we go and get your friends," I sighed, knowing that this was going to be hard to explain to this filly.

"Alright, begin," Sweetie Belle commanded me as we started walking. I tried to explain to her how I was from a different dimension, how I got here, and how about my encounter with the Timber Wolves and saving Pinkie Pie. The filly's eyes got wide when I came to the part about the Timber Wolves. When I finished the part about how I crashed landed into PonyVille, Sweetie Belle stopped in front of a HUGE Apple field. Millions of trees full of Apples filled the millions of acres across it. The place where we stopped had a sign at the top that said "Sweet Apple Acres" that made an arch.

"This is where the Apples live," Sweetie Belle continued as we entered through a trail leading to a big red barn, "the Apples are the ones that make the best Apple Pie, Apple cider, Apple Juice, or pretty much anything having to do with Apples. Oh and they grow the Apples, too."

"So who lives..." before I could ask my question, another filly, out of no where, hopped from hiding behind a tree and pounced on Sweetie Belle. I guess it scared me more than Sweetie Belle, because I screamed "STUFF AND FLUFF!" and the filly that scared me started laughing.

"Applebloom," continued Sweetie Bell as she pushed the other filly off her, "don't scare poor Destiny..."

"DESTINY!" I could hear Applejack running towards the sight where we got scared to death.

"Woah, Rarity did a good job," Applejack complemented me as she approached me.

"Yes she did," I replied.

"What are y'all doin' here?" Applejack asked as she scolded the so called "Applebloom."

"Sweetie Belle is giving me a tour of PonyVille, but she wanted her friends to help her out with the tour, so here we are," I answered.

"While you're here, let me introduce you to my family," Applejack stated as she led me to the barn.

"Oh, what about the tour of PonyVille?" I asked Applejack as I desperately tried to look for more excuses, because like I said, me and civilization didn't get along very well.

"Consider this behind the scenes at Apple Acres," Applejack continued, "and besides, we're sittin' down to eat Apple Pie."

"Oh, what joy," I tried to sound as kind as possible, but it's hard when you have two fillies talking and laughing behind you, while being pushed into a barn to eat Pie.

Through the other dimension: a MLP Fanfic (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now