Chapter 26

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"Sonic, we have to help Sunshine and Discord, please?" I was still on Sonic's back, tied up still because they couldn't untangle me, while my boyfriend was attempting to try and escape from the lair of Nightmare Moon.

"Why do you think I came here, Des?" Sonic continued full of emotion, "I didn't just escape from the hospital, go to Twilight's house, demand that she opens up that portal thingy that only Alicorns can do, and go through all that trouble just so that you can get killed and loose my girlfriend!" He then stopped mid in his tracks and lost it. We stopped in a middle of a dark hallway, but I didn't care right now where we were. Right now my boyfriend needed reassurance, and I was just gonna do that.

"Hey, uh, before you really start crying, could you please try to get me out of these ropes please?" The ropes were right now killing me like crazy and we're starting to itch.

"Oh, uh, yeah that's a good idea." He carefully dropped me onto the cold surface of the marble floor and, with full concentration, slowly and steadily untangled the rope, which took an eternity, until finally I could move again. I didn't hesitate to take a long stretch, doing the upward dog position and then doing the downward dog position, repeatedly until my muscles didn't ach anymore. When I finally finished, Sonic was sitting on his hindquarters, not making eye contact with me.

"Sonic, did you really go through all that just to rescue me?" I questioned him. He nodded, still not making eye contact with me. Only a guy like Sonic Thunder would do those dumb stuff for me if he really truly loved me, and he definitely passed the test. Sitting next to him, I leaned against him, putting my good wing around him.

"Sonic, look at me." He hesitated for a second, but than finally had the gut to make eye contact with me. No one couldn't be hypnotized just by having eye contact with those orange eyes. It looked as if a celebration we going on in those eyes, but right now, it was just pure sadness.

"Sonic, death can't catch me that easily," I continued as I gently placed my hoof on the side of his face, "don't even mention the fact I I nearly died like a million times last week plus in the beginning of this week. You wanna know why I didn't die? Because if there's still a hint of hope, then there's always a way of avoiding death. Besides, death never catches me that easily, even back in that other world death never caught me. You will never ever loose me, Sonic Thunder, I can promise that." He sniffled alittle and seemed at a loss of words at this point.

"Des, I-I don't know... what t-to say," he stuttered out finally as he placed his hoof on my face.

"Then, don't say anything, it's pretty obvious." My heart beated faster by the minute as Sonic got close, to where we touched Muzzles, and wrapped both of his wings around me.

"I love you, Destiny Hope, and I'll always protect you with my life, even if it means doing dumb stuff." Are lips than touched. I was taken aback at first, but than closed my eyes and just went with it. Fireworks and explosions went off as we kissed and my heart beated faster than ever, where you could see the outline of my heart, and my stomach was filled with fluttering butterflies. We than both separated as a huge explosion could be heard from the throne room. OH CRAP!!!!!!!!

"SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I leaped away from Sonic and dashed off to the direction of the throne room, as my boyfriend chased after me.

"DESTINY, NO! DONT GO INTO THAT THRONE ROOM WITHOUT ME!!!!!!!" That's what I'm talking about! Boyfriend and girlfriend action time! I slowed down, so that Sonic could catch up to my side.

"Better keep up," I huffed out as I started at a sprint and Sonic beside me.

"You know I'll keep up," he panted as we turned a sharp turn and came upon the throne room. The doors were gone, but the sight I was currently looking at made me gasp. The floor looked like a cannon went across it horizontally, but the thing that I couldn't process was the fact that Sunshine was unconscious, with his head against the wall. Blood dripped from his leg, and he was heaving quite frequently. On the other end of the room stood Nightmare Moon, looking pleased with herself as she trotted slowly towards my brother. Discord was cornered by Tirek, who looked more furious than ever. Discord had blood dripping down his lip and still had the fork in hand, while Tirek had nothing in hand, yet he still looked deceiving. I looked from Sunshine to Discord, deciding what to do. OH CRAP!!!! Nightmare Moon readied her horn and aimed ontop of Sunshines heart.

"Any last words, Your highness?" No! How could she kill her own son?! I took a deep breath and ran for it.

"DESTINY, NOOO!!!!" The screams of my boyfriend brought tears to my eyes as I was about to do the most idiotic thing in my life, but as long as my brother was safe, then this wouldn't be in vain. I leaped in front of Sunshine and screamed in pain as Nightmare Moon's horn stabbed me in the heart. Blood poured out as if a river were flowing, and I fell to the ground, wheezing. My vision blurred, but I made out a colt hovering over me and the sounds of him weeping as his head laid next to my head. This is it, Des, your as dead as could be, but... I wasn't going to give up that easily without a fight! Moaning and struggling, I tried to get up, clutching my bloody area, but I tumbled back to the ground defeated, but before I could touch the ground, the colt placed his head gently under my head and helped me up.

"Come on, sis, you can do it!" Sunshine encouraged me as he helped me up. My vision started to clear, but it was still a bit blurry, and I saw that Sonic Thunder was fighting Tirek with Discord, who held the fork and kept yelling "I LOVE THIS FORK!!!!" as he stabbed Tirek at random spots, while Nightmare Moon stood their in stunned silence watching me and Sunshine full of interest. When I stood to my fullest height with the help of my brother, he released me and I tried to gain my bearings, but nausea overcame me and I tumbled to the ground.

"Des, let me help..."

"No, Sunshine, I don't need help. I can do this by myself," I said weakly as I struggled to get up again but failed once again.

"Sis, sometimes we can't do stuff on our own..."

"I know that, Sunshine!" This is going to kill me.

"Then how come you're not letting me help you then if you already know?! Huh?!" Good point. I never had any help before until I came to this dimension. I needed help right now, yes I definitely know it, but how come I wasn't letting my own brother help me?

"Destiny, you need help! I don't care if you don't like me helping you, but I'm gonna do it!" He was quickly at my side and helping me up once again.

"Awwwwww, how precious! My children are having compassion for eachother, but that's not going to stop me that easily!" Nightmare Moon stated bitterly as she got near us. Wait... That's it! How come I didn't think of it till just now!

"Sunshine, quick, your the Prince of love, right?" I whispered into his ear.

"Yeah, what does that do..." Realization dawned on him as he processed what I just said.

"Destiny Hope, you're a genius, but, one slight problem... WE DONT HAVE THE MANE SIX HERE!!!!" Crap.... Well it was a good idea at the time. Our evil mother was now getting closer by the second and, with the help of Sunshine, we backed up to where our flanks touched the wall. Just than, a unicorn came crashing through the window followed by six other ponies that crashed through the other six windows...

Through the other dimension: a MLP Fanfic (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now