Chapter 17

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It's been about a week since I've came to this strange dimension and found out that I have a twin brother, Sunshine Nightwalk (or as I call him Sunshine even though he despises it, but you know we're siblings) and since the other unknown pony, who's in a coma, came with the scroll from Princess Celestia. I've been living with Twilight Sparkle in her castle, because she quote to quote "needed to keep an eye out for me." Pfft, like I can't take care of myself. Of course I've been out of the hospital for about four days now, but I still have to where a cast for my wing since it's still a bit broken, but as far as I'm concerned, everything is so far normal, except the fact that all the villains are gone and can't be detected anywhere in Equestia. It's quiet...... TOO QUIET!!!!!

The entire time I've been living with Twilight, she's been educating me on pony history, Anatomy, cutie marks, and anything she thinks is vital to know. I'm actually really glad Twilight taught me these things because now I know that ponies don't like to call their butts a butt but prefer to call them flanks. Good thing I didn't say "BUTT" out loud! I also learned that those marks on their "Flanks" are called cutie marks and that a cutie mark represents a special talent that ponies have. My Cutie Mark is a Raven, which represents freedom and trouble. Might as well make my middle name trouble for all I care! Today I decided to ask Twilight about the guy holding me and Sunshine in that book.

"Twilight, can I ask you something that you probably expected?" I ask Twilight as we sat causally in the library reading about the Wonder Bolts.

"And what question might that be?" She asked as she flipped through the pages of the Wonder Bolts history book.

"About that creepy guy who's holding me and Sunshine in that picture?" Twilight dropped the book that she was levitating onto the table, which made a big BOOM sound throughout the library, and looked from me to her hooves.

"Well?" I was starting to get creeped out by her reaction.

"Well...... You were right about me expecting that question from you, but I was expecting it more from Lance than you."

"And?!?!" This is bugging me now! Just answer the bucking question, Twilight.



"Tirek... That's the guy who's holding you in the picture." Twilight looked at me, expecting me to ask her more questions, but I just nodded and said thank you. If its this difficult to get answers from ponies like Twilight, might as well do my own research on my spare time. After that question, Twilight looked like she was about to faint, so she excused herself and left the library. It was now or never, so I grabbed a pack, placed the book with the image of that creepy guy in the pack, snuck out of the castle through the library window, and rushed to find Sunshine.


I briskly rushed into "Sugar Cube Corner" and found Mr. and Mrs. Cake managing the counter.

"Destiny!!!! It's so good to see you here!!! How's the wing doing?" Mrs. Cake asked as she wiped the counter.

"Doing much better, thank you," I continued, "is Pinkie around by any chance, because I have to ask her something."

"She actually left to go and bring you some Cupcakes at the Castle," Mr. Cake stated as he went next to Mrs. Cake.

"Is there anything wrong, Destiny?" Mrs. Cake asked, clearly concerned.

"Oh no, not at all, I was just wondering if she saw Lance today, that's all."

"Oh, we just served him and Rainbow Dash lunch," Mrs. Cakes expression softened a whole lot, and I don't blame her one bit... WAIT DID THEY JUST SAY THEY SERVED MY BROTHER AND RAINBOW DASH LUNCH?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! Forget about that right now, Destiny, right now you're on a mission.

Through the other dimension: a MLP Fanfic (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now