Chapter 10

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It was dark. Dark and creepy. In all my years living in the woods and running away from cops, the Everfree Forest had to be the scariest. Luckily, Twilight and Rarity used their horns to make something similar to a flashlight. While walking through the forest, Fluttershy explained to me about the important stuff I should know about Equestia.

"There are four types of ponies, Earth Ponies, Pegasus, Unicorns, and Alicorns," Fluttershy continued quietly,"you're a Pegasus, just to let you know."

"That makes a lot of sense now," I stated.

"Anyway, Alicorns, like Twilight, are generally rare and are Princesses, and actually Twilight started out as a Unicorn."

"Really, but, how did she become an Alicorn?" I asked, confused.

"She started out like you, sort of," Fluttershy continued," she was friendless and always focused on her school work, but then she came to PonyVille to oversee the celebration of the 1000th moon. We didn't know, but Nightmare Moon escaped and with the power of the Elements of Harmony...." Elements of Harmony, why does that sound so familar? "All six of us defeated Nightmare Moon, and she started to learn about friendship, which led her to become an Alicorn."

"Are there any other Alicorns," I asked curious.

"Well, there's Princess Celestia, the one who rises and sets the sun, Princess Luna, who rises and sets the moon, Princess Cadence, the princess of love who rules over the Crystal Empire, and then there's Twilight Sparkle, who is the princess of friendship," Fluttershy concluded.

"Do you have any other questions," Fluttershy asked.

"How did you use the..." but before I could ask the question about the Elements of Harmony, screaming could be heard up ahead. It was Rarity and Twilight. Their horns completely stopped working and we were all in pitched blackness of the Everfree Forest. Everyone started painicking when a creepy voice could be heard.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends." Oh flippin' crap! I tried to feel my way for anypony, but failed miserably.

"Ya'all stay where you are," Applejack's voice came from behind me," and ya'all ain't be afraid."

"Who placed you in...." Rainbow Dash's voice faltered as I heard her.... Fighting?! Oh no!!!!! This can't be happening, And then dead silence.

"RAINBOW DASH!!!!!!!!!" I screamed worried and attempted to walk forward, but bumped into something that felt unnatural. Finally, Rarity and Twilight managed to make their horns work, but barely, and then I screamed. For when I looked up, all of us were surrounded by jet black fanged Alicorns. The thing I bumped into was the biggest out of all of them, and she had big green eyes and fangs, with wings and a horn. She looked at me and grinned evilly.

"Well I must say, Twilight, you've got one of your friends in my way," she continued looking at me," Destiny, is it?"

"Who wants to know?" I backfired at her.

"Do you know who I am," she asked me.

"Your Queen Chrysalis." Woah, where did I get that name from, its like I knew her name. Twilight and the rest of the ponies seemed shocked as I was. Chrysalis' eyes narrowed, and she started to circle me, as she observed me.

"You leave her alone," Twilight finally squeaked.

"Changelings, hold the five ponies back," Chrysalis continued to order," but leave this, Destiny, where she is."

When she finished speaking, the Chanelings charged my friends. MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"You leave MY FRIENDS alone," I yelled at the evil queen. Twilight and Applejack tried to fend for themselves, while Rarity and Fluttershy were merclessly tackled to the ground, and I had no idea where Pinkie got the Party Cannon, but she too was fending for herself pretty well. One thing was missing though, I just couldn't figure out what. Finally all the ponies lost and were tied up and guarded by the Changelings. Twilight had a bunch of scratches, while Applejack had a bloody nose, and the rest of the ponies had just a bunch of scratches and bruises. They watched me, scared and confused as I was.

Through the other dimension: a MLP Fanfic (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now