Chapter 12

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We finally made it out of the Everfree Forest within like five minutes flat. We weren't sticking around the area where we got ambushed by those Changelings, so we all just ran while Rainbow flew. I didn't trust my wings and besides the fact I didn't know whether or not they were still broken.

"Destiny, you are coming with me to get a... MAKEOVER!!!!" I didn't hesitate one bit, knowing that I looked like I fell off TWO cliffs, and I followed Rarity to wherever the magic happened, while the others started to split up (probably to let other ponies know of my arrival). I followed Rarity to what looked like a Carousal building.

"Welcome, Darling, to my humble Abode," Rarity said as she beckoned me inside of her abode, which resembled a place where outfits are made.

"Now... MAKEOVER TIME!!!!!" Rarity sniffed at me and tried not to gag.

"You need some major cleaning, darling," Rarity stated as she at random got out a Changing Screen and started working on my so call "makeover." It was quite painful, and it didn't help that my mane and tail was full of knots and filled with random things in it. Rarity's horn was at work, levitating hair brushes, makeup, towels, baby wipes, trash cans, nail polish, hair ties, etc. Finally Rarity was finished, and got rid of the Changing screen and brought out a mirror. I gasped.

"That's me?" I was stunned. That couldn't be me.

"It is indeed you, darling," Rarity continued," and you are quite the most beautiful pony I've ever seen. Besides me of course." My mane and tail color was a dark purple and black in a thick braid. I had bangs that was on my left eye. My fur color was a soft lavender, with black nail polish at the end of my hooves. My eyes were a dark shade of brown, which popped out because of the mascara and eyeliner. What caught my attention the most was the mark on my butt, which was a soaring Raven, the same exact Raven on the necklace that I was currently wearing. I had wings, of course, but like I predicted, one wing was swollen and broken.

"I tried to be as gentle as possible because of the broken wing," Rarity stated as she put the mirror back where it came from.

"Thank you, Rarity, you did a marvelous job," I thanked her.

"It was my pleasure, Darling, but now I have to take a shower myself." I looked at Rarity and realized she definitely needed a shower before we left to meet the others.

"Hey, sis, I was wondering...." the new pony stopped midway as she stared at me and then back at Rarity, shocked.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle," Rarity started nervous laughing,"where have you been?" Sweetie Belle looked similar to Rarity, except she had light green eyes and her mane and tail was a light purple and light pink, but she didn't have a mark on her butt.

"Waiting for you to return from your little adventure with your friends," Sweetie Belle continued," I was wondering where you have been and why you're wearing one of the Elements of Harmony? I thought..."

"Ok, Sweetie Belle, I get it, you want answers," Rarity looked at me for help, but I shrugged.

"Who's this?" Sweetie Belle asked as she pointed at me.

"I'm Destiny, Destiny Hope," I answered her remark.

"Sweetie Belle, I was wondering if you could take Destiny here on a tour of PonyVille?" Wait, WHAT?! Crap!

"Oh no Rarity it's fine." Me and little kids didn't exactly get along very well.

"Can I bring along Applebloom and Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Certainly, darling, Destiny does need some more help from your little club."

"It's called the Cutie Mark Crusaders," Sweetie Belle answered, annoyed.

"Whatever, and of course bring along some of your friends," Rarity grinned at me evilly. I hate Rarity.

"Well, I'm going to take a shower, see you later, Destiny," Rarity headed up the stairs, leaving me and Sweetie Belle standing there awkwardly...

Through the other dimension: a MLP Fanfic (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now