Chapter 23

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I was breathless as I stumbled around in my shackles and thought I was gonna vomit from the horrid taste of the gag, which was sloppily shoved and tied around my mouth.

"Keep it going!" One of the Changelings in the back commanded me as he shoved me forward, which caused me to stumble worse than ever. I muffled a bunch of curses at the Changelings, but totally forgot they couldn't understand me with this disgusting thing in my mouth. What is this thing in my mouth anyway?! Do I even want to know? Probably not at this point, but maybe when this is all over. The changelings that were at my sides bumped into me on purpose and pretty much played catch with me the whole entire time we went through dark hallways.

"Awwww! Is the Pegasus being tortured right now? Well, it's gonna get worse!" The changeling in the front, who sounded like a commander, stated as he turned the corner and stood in front of two ginormous Oak-Wood doors, that loomed over me.

"Make sure our prisoner here doesn't do anything stupid or attempts to escape, do I make myself clear to you all!??!?!" The Captains rough voice lingered in the air and every Changeling nodded nervously. The captain, looking satisfied, opened the doors and entered in by himself, and it was just me and four Changelings. I frantically examined my surroundings, but one of the Changelings in the back smacked my flank and shouted at me "DONT LOOK AROUND!!!!" How.... DARE HE SMACK MY FLANK!!!!!!!!!!!! Moving my mouth, I struggled to get the gag out of my mouth and after a good ten seconds, I could finally not taste that horrid taste.

"HOW DARE YOU SMACK MY FLANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I jumped around and faced the two Changelings behind me.

"WHICH ONE OF YOU SMACKED MY FLANK?!?! HUH?!?! ANSWER ME!!!!!!" The two Changelings cowered in fear as I glared at them, until I was tackled to the ground by another Changeling, who sternly looked at the two Changelings before he whispered shouted in my ear.

"We're the ones that ask the questions around here, Destiny Hope, and if you challenge that, then you shall be punished. YOU GETTING ME LOUD AND CLEAR IN THAT HEAD?!?!?!" The last part he screamed in my ear and, me being unpredictable, toppled on top of him and, using my chains, wrapped them around his neck and choked him. The Changeling coughed violently, where he was moving up and down. To be honest, I was enjoying this. Ever since I've gotten to this dimension I've wanted to suffocate somepony, and here I was, suffocating a Changeling. Close enough, I guess.

"Hey guys, the king and.... OMC!!!!!" Crap... I'm dead... dead, dead, dead, and dead horse meat for sure.

"DONT JUST STAND THERE, TACKLE HER, PUNCH HER, BEAT HER UP, JUST STOP HER!!!!!!!!!!" Before I knew it, a Changeling wrapped his hooves around my neck and pried me off of the Changeling that I was strangling, who was breathing heavily on the floor. Another Changeling punched me right in the nose as the other Changeling pressed me against the cold stone floor and placed his hoof against my head. The captains hooves stood right in front of me, as he placed himself face to face with me.

"Do you realize what in deep trouble you're in right now?" His breath smelled like a thousand sewers. I looked at him in the eye and narrowed my eyes.

"No kidding, Sherlock!" I backed-talked at him. He thought for a moment and then grinned evilly, as he motioned for one of the Changelings and whispered something in his ear. He grinned as he rushed off to probably fetch something.

"I don't see why I can't just kill you right now," the Changeling still on top of me pressed my head harder against the stone floor, when the captain shouted "STOP!"

"Sir, with all due respect, this creature almost strangled my boyfriend to death..."

"Wait, your gay?" I immediately regretted saying those words out of my mouth when the Changeling pressed my head even more harder against the floor.

Through the other dimension: a MLP Fanfic (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now