Chapter 9

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Zecora finally broke the silence when she came in to the bedroom to check on us and on my injuries. She unbandaged my scratch on my front left leg, and it looked a whole lot better. All that was left of the scratch was a scar. Zecora then touched my wing and it hurt.... LIKE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!! I yelped in pain and the zebra immediatly took back her hoof.

"You can get out of bed, but take it easy on the wing," Zecora continued," here's some Chamomile to ease the pain in your wing."

"Thank you," I said to Zecora as I got out of bed. Every pony watched this scene while being quiet and awkward. I stood next to Pinkie, who nudged me with her side. Pinkie is such a good friend.

"Now what?" Rainbow Dash continued," now we're Equestia's only hope."

"Darling, the first step would be to go back to PonyVille and give Destiny here a..... MAKEOVER!!!!!!!!!!" Rarity continued," and then we could investigate the situation."

"Rarity's right guys," Twilight concluded.

"Besides the part about 'Makeovers,' right?" Applejack asked.

"Applejack, Darling, have you looked at Destiny?" Rarity continued," she looks like she played in dirt. TWICE!!!!!!!"

"Applejack," Fluttershy continued quietly," I think we should just let Rarity give Destiny a makeover, and go back to PonyVille."

"Fluttersy's right guys," I continued," we should go back to PonyVille, and Applejack, its not like YOUR getting the makeover from Rarity." Everyone nodded, including Applejack, which made me shocked she agreed with me, but Rainbow Dash really hated me.

"Who put you incharge?!" Rainbow Dash complained.

"I was just agreeing with Flutter..."

"Oh yeah, totally!"

"Rainbow Dash!!!!!!!!" Everypony said together. Rainbow Dash sighed and agreed with me and Fluttershy, defeated.

"To my castle." Wait?! Twilight has a castle, but doesn't that mean...

"Wait, are you a princess, Twilight?" I asked her. She sighed, clearly annoyed, and replied I'll explain everything when we get there. Princess Luna's words hit me like a rock in a face right there. "...the Villains are all together plqnning to take over... you must get... Elements of Harmony... Princess Twilight Sparkle... Friends!" How could you be so stupid, Destiny?! The answer to their mission was right infront of her! The Elements of Harmony must've been what got these ponies together, and the Elements of Harmony must represent.... FRIENDSHIP!!!!!!!!!! Don't get ahead of yourself, Destiny, it's just an educated guess. I'll just ask Twilight, or who ever, about everything AFTER Rarity gave me a makeover, but... Wouldn't PonyVille be in danger if... OH STUFF AND FLUFF!!!!!!!

Everypony saw me hesitate as I stepped out of Zecora's cottage in the Everfree Forest.

"Um, Sugarcube, you ok there?" Applejack continued concerned," you look like you just realized something." Dang this pony is smart.

"I'll be fine," I continued, trying my best not to reveal anything to these ponies until we got to Twilight's Castle,"are you sure it's a good idea going back to PonyVille?" Twilight narrowed her eyes.

"Destiny, are you sure you're ok," Twilight continued," Why, do you NOT want to go to PonyVille?"

"It's not that, Twilight, not at all," I continued," It's just that... Something doesn't feel right. You know, with all the Villains gone in all. They could be anyway, and it just hit me that maybe..."

"Destiny, it's all cool," Rainbow Dash interrupted me as she put a hoof on my shoulder," PonyVille is cool, we are all cool, but, I'm 20% more cooler than everypony of you, but, besides that..."

"What Rainbow Dash is trying to say, Darling," Rarity glared at Rainbow before she continued," is that PonyVille is perfectly safe." Everypony nodded in approval, and I was forced to give in. I knew deep in my heart and mind that we were all in danger, especially Twilight Sparkle, who didn't seem to worry about it. Although I did catch a worried expression on her face when everypony agreed to go to PonyVIlle, I knew right off the bacvk that she knew the dangers up ahead. That evening, we went back to PonyVille through the Everfree forest, forced to travel through the night for Equestia's sake...

Through the other dimension: a MLP Fanfic (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now