Chapter 21

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I didn't know whether to cry, laugh, or at least sigh in relief that I was going back to my dimension, but something felt weird. It's like... realization dawned on me then that the villains some how controlled the circle of rainbowness and now they were taking me back to their lair using the portal. CRAP!!!! I panicked as I screamed for help from any Pegasus, Unicorn, even a pony, I was that desperate! But than I stopped falling and was only levitating in midair. How's this even possible, unless a unicorn or Alicorn was doing this. Whoever was levitating me was the master at this skill because they knew exactly what they were doing when they threw me back up on the cloud. I shot up like a bullet and pounced on Chrysalis, who was about to attack Sonic Thunder.

"Des.... How?" Sonic asked bewildered.

"I'll put it this way, it's good to have friends at your side that are unicorns," I stated as I gave the evil queen a good black eye, but than she kicked in my stomach and I skidded to the edge of the cloud. I got up hastily, but than Sonic jumped on top of Chrysalis and tackled her.

"This is for kicking Destiny!" He shouted as he gave chrysalis a bloody nose. But than Chrysalis turned over on top of Sonic and continuously punched him in the face, where blood could be seen stained on the fluffy cloud. I panicked and raged shot through my veins as I knocked Chrysalis off of Sonic and we both tumbled off of the cloud.

"Do you think this is the end, Destiny Hope, because you are wrong!" Chrysalis than started flying, grabbed a hold of me, and started flying into the still remaining portal. But than a flash of light blue came right in front of us, causing Chrysalis to let go of me in shock, and I fell by myself into the circle of rainbowness and everything blacked out...


I was floating in space, once again. This has happened twice to me now, and I was getting sick and tired of all these stupid riddles. At least I'll be able to see either Princess Celestia or Princess Luna, wait forget about Princess Luna she's Nightmare Moon now, but at least I will be able to see somepony!

"Alright, Princess Celestia! Let's get these stupid riddles over with!" I shouted.

"I'm not Princess Celestia!" The pony's voice sounded familiar but I couldn't put my hoof on it.

"Than show yourself so that I may get to know you better!" I already like this pony a heck of a lot. A figure in the distance could be seen trotting towards me and it was... THE PONY IN THE COMA?!?! How's this even possible?! She's in a flippin' Coma!!!! The pony approached me, defiance in her hazel eyes.

"So... your 'the' Destiny Hope that Princess Celestia says you're an important part of defeating Tirek and his gang of Villains?" The pony circled me, observing me.

"Who wants to know... um...."

"Amethyst, my name is Amethyst."

"Whatever, as I was saying, who wants to know?"

"First of all I came from Canterlot, which was under attacked by Nightmare Moon, and I, being Princess Celestia's loyal student, was sent by the Princess to deliver a message to you," Amethyst finished looking quite offended.

"I gotta ask, are you still in a Coma?" Curiosity got the best of me and I really had to know.

"Who do you think levitated you when you fell off the edge of that cloud?"

"Wait... THAT WAS YOU?!" OMC I should really thank her right now, but now wasn't a predictable time to say thank you.

"Yes, but we don't have much time," Amethyst continued looking stuck up, "The scroll I had with me, did you read it?"

"No, Twilight took it away from me saying that "I wasn't ready for it," I glared at Amethyst, because she was really pissing me off right now.

"That goodie too-shoes Twilight Sparkle, I should've known that she would take it away from you!" The pony looked very mad at her self, but gained her composure and cleared her throat.

"I'll just summarize what Celestia wrote," she continued, "She pretty much wrote how you and your brother would have to at some point face the truth about your past... blah blah blah... encouragement of words... blah blah blah... And that you're the only hope that Equestia had... all that jazzy stuff, you know?" I still don't get Unicorns or Alicorns sometimes. It's like they're from a whole different world when it comes down to communicating and thinking.

"I must be going now, I passed out after I levitated you back up to the cloud and I'm waking up now."

"WAIT! Before you go, Amethyst, I just have to know what happened to Sonic Thunder if he's still alive and well," I finished as she stopped and thought for a moment.

"Honestly, I don't know, I passed out before I could see that other Colt, but anyhow, chow." Amethyst shimmered and disappeared into thin air, but than I too started to wake up and heard the soft cries of none other than... Sunshine...




Through the other dimension: a MLP Fanfic (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now