Chapter 20

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"That's it.... WE... ARE... DEAD. DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD...."

"OK SONIC! Not helping!" I was frantically going from edge to edge of the cloud that me and Sonic Thunder were on, looking for Sunshine who was supposed to be here with help! The sun was gone and the full moon appeared at the edge of the east, looming over us as if laughing at us.

"SUNSHINE!!!!" I was desperate now. I felt even more worse now that Sunshine could be gone for good, and I never got to apologize.

"SUNSHINE!!!!!!" I yelled even more louder than the last yell. No reply.

"S..Sun...shine....." I couldn't help it. All hope was lost. I fell to the ground of the cloud and sniffled.

"That's it," I whispered screamed, "Sunshine's gone and I'm stuck on top of a stupid cloud with an injured wing, with an immature colt with a deep cut on his wing who can't even fly one inch off the ground." So much for destiny! I remember falling into that Circle of Rainbowness, thinking that my destiny is finally happening, but now here I am, stuck in this nothingness. I started crying lightly.

"This is all my fault," I continued out loud, "because of my stupid idea trying to figure out what connection me and Sunshine had with Tirek, all this happened." I cried softly, trying not to cry loud for the whole world to hear.

"Des, it's not your fault," Sonic trotted over to me and wrapped his good wing around me.

"Yes it is, take a good look. If it weren't for my idoticness of me being a trouble maker, I wouldn't have gotten us stuck on this stupid cloud!"

"So you're pretty much calling you kissing me an idiotic action?" I stopped and looked at him in his orange eyes, which looked depressed, sadness, and anger all at once. Did he really just say that?

"No, I'm not saying that," I was surprised that he would even say that.

"Well you said that all the events happened because of your idioticness, so your pretty much saying that kissing me was an idiotic event. And you're also saying that turning Discord good is because of your idoticness, and...."

"Ok, Sonic, you're right, some of the events weren't because of my idoticness..."


"I wasn't finished. But some of the events were because of my idioticness."

"Yeap," he agreed with me, "but trying to find out about all those connections isn't trouble,its just curiosity."

"I didn't know you were full of advice, Sonic."

"Just trying to be helpful." He grinned at me and leaned his head, where our muzzles touched.

"I love you, Sonic Thunder, and there's always still hope even when it seems there isn't at all."

"Destiny Hope, there's always still hope when you're around, and I love you too." We then kissed, but more passionately than when we kissed falling to our doom. I could feel fireworks going on while we kissed for a full minute. We than let go, and heard faint flapping coming towards us.

"Do you here that?" I asked Sonic who still had his good wing around me.

"Hear what?"

"Shhhh, shut up!" I whispered yelled at him trying to hear the faint flapping. This time the flapping of wings was louder than before. Sonic looked at me with a worried expression on his face, while I gave him my remain calm face. The flapping got louder... Louder... LOUDER... Until a figure could be seen in the distance flying towards us at a fast pace. It looked like... SUNSHINE!!!! OMC OMC OMC OMC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S STILL ALIVE!!

Through the other dimension: a MLP Fanfic (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now