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3rd POV:

"ok are you guys ready?" Cheryl asked the group before leading them to the 2 person row coaster carts.

"Your first time on a roller coaster! you excited?" Ronnie asked Toni excitingly while they sat in the coaster seats.

"no i'm scared" Toni said nervously.

Cheryl was checking Ronnies sides seatbelts and handle bars before checking Toni's side. She was kind of eavesdropping, this was probably not the best choice if its her first roller coaster, this is one of the most intense ones in the whole park Cheryl thought.

"you'll be fine don't worry" Cheryl told Toni while she bent down to check the seatbelt.

"i hope so" Toni said blushing at how close the red headed girl was to her.

"I wouldn't let you on if it wasn't safe babe" Cheryl joked while lowering the handlebar, her left hand was on the back of Toni's chair so she was towering over her.

Cheryl turned her head to look at Toni and their faces were only a couple of inches away.

"you trust me?" Cheryl said softly.

Toni's face was redder than Cheryl's hair. They stayed like that for about 10 seconds just staring into each others eyes until Toni nodded her head yes.

"Are we ready to go?" Betty shouted at Cheryl.

Cheryl just smirked and pushed her self away from the coaster and gave betty a thumbs up to start the ride.

"enjoy the ride" Cheryl winked before the cart started moving and walked back to Jason and Archie.

"ooh sexual tension" Ronnie spoke snapping Toni out of her own thoughts and back to her anxiety about the coaster.

"oh no" Toni said fear rushing all over her body as they made it to the top.

"relax it's going to be okay" Ronnie reassured the terrified pink haired girl by holding her hand right before they shot down.

Back at the end of the ride Cheryl was waiting for the group to come back around while talking to Betty.

"That Veronica girl was finding an interest in you cousin" Cheryl winked.

"Cheryl stop you know i'm straight" Betty said rolling her eyes at how consistent her cousin is.

"whatever you say elizabeth" Cheryl teased before walking away and leaving betty confused about the latina.

Cheryl decided to walk over to a group of teens that were waiting for the ride to come back.

"hey guys" she said winking at one of the girls and making her blush.

"hi?" one of the boys responded.

"you guys excited for the ride?" Cheryl asked striking up conversation.

This is just how Cheryl is, she likes making new friends and being out going but right now she was just distracting herself until the carts came back so she could see The gorgeous light skinned girl again.

Somehow Cheryl got too caught up in conversation and was unaware that the cart came back and Kevin helped the group out of the seats and that they already left.

When the gates in front of her started opening she confusingly turned around and frowned at the empty coaster seats.

"okay you guys can go ahead" she told the group she was conversing with. After their cart left she ran up to Kevin and Betty.

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