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3rd POV:

"i brought pops" Veronica smiled sadly at the group who looked tired and stressed.

"thanks baby" Betty replied softly before giving Ronnie a kiss on the cheek and grabbing the bags then passing the breakfast sandwiches out.

Cheryl didn't touch her food. She threw up her breakfast when she got to the hospital, her anxiety was devouring her and she couldn't keep any food down.

"how's he doing?" Ronnie asked.

"well he's in a fucking hospital bed with wires in his arms ya think he's doing well?" Cheryl snapped.

"s-sorry" Ronnie stuttered.

Betty looked at Veronica apologetically, Veronica just gave her a nod. She knows Cheryl has the right to be on edge right now considering her brother might die and the girl she loves ended things with her in just twenty four hours.

After a good hour of silence Cheryl's mom decided to play something on the TV. Everyone quietly watched the show not wanting to say anything to upset one another.

Cheryl couldn't care less about the show. She sat in the window and stuffed her headphones into her ears. She just wanted to block everything and everyone out, all she could think about was Jason.

She felt a tear drop fall down her cheek but quickly wiped it before anyone else noticed. She just closed her eyes and imagined herself in pops with her bestfriends, brother and girlfriend. That's where she felt more at home.
In a booth at Pops with the people she loves.

The group had been in the room since 8am, it's currently 12pm and Cheryl hasn't said one word, she just stared out the window listening to her music. She found herself feeling sleepy and her eyes becoming heavier by the second. Before she knew it she was sleeping.


"pick up Sweets and Fangs" Toni said to Josie as they got into her BMW.

"Sweets is going to be heartbroken once he hears what happened" Josie sighs.

"yeah..." Toni agreed.

"what are you going to say to Cher?"

"i don't even know..i screwed up so bad" Toni sighed placing her head into her hands.

"listen T...Cheryl needs you right now, maybe all you have to do is just hold her and tell her everything's going to be alright" Josie reassured.

"thanks J, who would've thought you provide your wisdom for me and Cher. Never thought you liked her" Toni jokes.

"i admit the bitch gets on my nerves from time to time but i care deeply about you two even when me and red are at each other's throats" Josie explained.

They arrived at Sweetpeas home where Fangs was staying the night. Josie ran up to the door and knocked on it loudly, a minute later a shirtless Sweetpea wearing plaid pajama pants opened the door.

"What Josie?!" Sweetpea asked adjusting his head set.

"Jason's in the hospital, get your ass ready, we are leaving in five minutes" Josie summed up. Sweetpea nodded quickly and ran to get Fangs.

The two boys ran out the house not even three minutes later and jumped in the car. Toni was fidgeting with her rings the whole time, she was nervous. Nervous for Jason, Nervous for their mom, Nervous to see Cheryl in such a vulnerable stage. She was scared.

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