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3rd POV:

"Hey baby!" Justin yelled walking up to our group, his friend was obviously done with him and left earlier.

Toni turned her head and cringed at the voice. Chuck was about to walk up to the boy before Archie pulled him back not wanting him to get into trouble.

"leave Justin" Veronica said firmly making the boy laugh pathetically.

"so that's Justin?" Jason asked Josie who nodded in response anger written all over her face.

"hey let's get you in the car, alright?" Kevin said to Toni softly grabbing her forearm and getting into Chucks car with Toni so she isn't in there by herself.

"Don't do anything stupid Cheryl i'm serious" Betty whispered to Cheryl knowingly.

"Aww cmon you guys are no fun!" Justin laughed at Chuck who was being restrained by Archie and Sweetpea.

"okay that's enough you need to go before this ends badly for you" Cheryl says calmly while walking up to him.

"what are you going to do? release the football player? he can't do shit can't say the same for his whore sister though" he said dragging out the last part.

"sorry betty i tried!" Cheryl yelled over her shoulder before kicking him super hard in the balls and kneeing his face when he leaned over in pain breaking his nose in the process.

She punched him across the face making him fall on the floor. Once he was on the ground in pain she started kicking him in gut over and over until Jason and Fangs were able to pull her away.

before they knew it Chuck pulled through Archie and Sweetpea jumping on Justin punching him over and over until he was barely breathing.

"Chuck stop you'll kill him!" Veronica screamed as Archie and Sweetpea pulled him away again.

"asshole" Josie said spitting on Justin before walking to the car.

"are you fucking insane Cher?!? he's a rich daddys boy he can sue you! You don't have enough money for a lawyer then what do you think will happen to you?!" Betty lectured her cousin who was examining her own bloody hand.

"i know betty i'm sorry my anger just took control of me" Cheryl said in a small voice.

"no Cheryl you need to stop fighting all the damn time or you'll never be happy!" Betty said still super upset.

"what the fuck is that supposed to mean!?" Cheryl yelled back.

"nothing just leave me alone right now..this conversation is not over" Betty huffed before getting into Jason's car.

"ugh Betty wait i'm sorry!" Cheryl yelled at her cousin stopping at the sound of the car door closing.

"hey..." Toni said softly Cheryl turning her head to the girl her mood instantly changing.

"hey" Cheryl smiled.

Toni stood there fidgeting with her fingers for a couple of moments before consuming Cheryl into a hug. Toni had her arms around her neck while Cheryl wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her in.

"thank you Cher" Toni says pulling away.

"it's nothing really. it's my self proclaimed job to protect you beautiful" Cheryl winked.

"wow you just gave a kid a vasectomy after kicking his balls too hard yet you still try and flirt with me" Toni giggled

"what can i say? i'm just charming" Cheryl shrugged with a goofy smile.

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