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(Archie and Cheryl's song.^^ just pretend it's them singing,)

3rd POV:

Toni was enjoying her night of sleep until 3am when she got a text from an unknown number.

(unknown): Hey baby, look i know you blocked me on everything but i miss you like fucking crazy. I'm sorry for everything i did in the past. i want you back and i'm planning on doing whatever possible to make that happen. i love you.

Toni shook her head in disbelief. Her ex, Anthony, from California has been trying to get her back every since they broke up. When they were both sixteen he pushed Toni into having sex with him, he kept peer pressuring her. He told her that it was going to be fun and that she's ready even though she said she wasn't.He manipulated her into giving him her virginity and then the next day he left her for months and cheated on her with multiple girls when he got back. She was scared of losing someone who "loved" her so she did whatever possible to keep him. Until she got tired of trying so hard and told Chuck about what happened, which didn't end well for Anthony. Since then Toni's had trust issues when it comes to doing anything sexual. When she found out they were moving to a different state she was so happy because she didn't have to deal with seeing him everyday at school.

(Toni): Leave me the fuck alone Anthony

(Anthony): not until you give me another chance

(Toni): in your dreams

(Anthony): babygirl i said i was sorry so many times.

(Toni): you can take that shitty apology
and stick it up your ass you dick. sorry won't give me back the virginity that you stole.

(Anthony): what else do you want from me?!

(Toni): for you to leave me the hell alone. i'm blocking you.

(Anthony): fine have it your way, just know that i'm visiting florida in a couple of days to visit my grandma, see ya then sweetie.

***the person you are trying to reach will not receive any messages from you at this time***

Toni huffed then threw her phone on the other side of her bed. She's just glad that they live in different sides of the country and he can't do anything to her from California. Soon after that she fell back into a sleep just wanting the current hours to go by faster so she can see her favorite redhead again.


Cheryl woke up to a bad smell, she opened her eyes and immediately saw Betty's feet in her face. She made a noise of disgust and threw Betty's feet away from her and off the bed causing the blonde girl to wake up.

"Cheryl what the hell?!" Betty groaned still half asleep.

"get your fucking toes out of my face cooper" Cheryl's says sitting up.

"Morning ladies, there's pancakes in the kitchen if you want" Archie said walking into his room fully dressed. He was wearing dark blue jeans with his favorite grey v neck and a dark red jean jacket over it with his same old beat up converse.

"Pancakes!" Betty's and Cheryl screamed at the same time and racing to the kitchen.

Betty jumped on Cheryl's back tackling her to the ground, once she was on the ground Betty jumped up and tried to run to the kitchen but before she could take more than two steps Cheryl grabbed her ankle and pulled her to the ground then ran full speed to the kitchen and grabbed three pancakes before Betty could get back up.

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