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3rd POV:

"wait you're leaving now?" Betty asked with a happy squeal.

"yes" Cheryl says grinning like crazy.

"well what are you going to wear? what are you going to say? where are y'all meeting at? i have so many questions" Betty rambled.

"okay well you seem to be more excited than me right now betts"

"sorry it's just..i'm happy you're going to be happy" Betty sighs.

"thanks B means a lot" Cheryl smiles.

Cheryl went to her closet and threw on black sweatpants with a white crop top and a plain black jacket over, she didn't have time to do her hair so she put a black beanie on and slipped her black and white jordan 1's on.

"cute. now come on the faster i get you there the faster you get to see your girl!" Betty says jumping off the bed.

Just then Cheryl's phone rang.

"hold on to that thought cooper" Cheryl joked before picking up the phone.

"it's my mother" Cheryl fake gags along with Betty.

"hey mom what's up?" Cheryl giggles at Betty fake humping the air.

the laughter stopped right when Cheryl's face dropped. She was just told that her brother had been in a severe crash and that he is in critical condition. She just stood there, phone to her ear and mouth agape. she didn't know what to say, her throat had never been so dry. Betty rushed over concerned.

"y-yeah mom i-i'll be there as soon as i can" Cheryl somehow manages to get out still very shocked with the news.

She hangs up and looks at betty before shaking her head no.

"what? what? Cheryl what happened you're scaring me" Betty asks.

"it's Jason..." 


The two girls rush into the hospital, Cheryl gets to the front desk but no one is there. She starts tapping the small bell repeatedly until a small nurse came out from the office behind.

"what can i do for you ladies?" She smiled.

"Jason i'm here to see Jason Blossom" Cheryl says quickly.


"uh i'm his twin and she's his cousin" She replied tapping her foot impatiently.

"he is currently in surgery so you're going to have to wait in the waiting room for now sweetheart" The nurse replies with an apologetic look.

"okay thank you ma'am" Betty smiles sadly at the lady before grabbing Cheryl's hand and leading her to the waiting room.

When she got in there she saw her mom in a chair crying.

"mom!" Cheryl says before rushing over and pulling her into a long hug.

"oh thank god you lady's are here" Mrs.Blossom says before pulling the both of them into a hug.

"how bad is it?" Cheryl asks.

"really bad" Mrs.Blossom says sadly.

"who the hell hit him?" Cheryl asks.

"it was a hit and run" Mrs.Blossom says tiredly.

That made Cheryl mad.

"i'm going to find whoever the hell did this to him and i'm going to kill them" Cheryl said in a angry tone.

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