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3rd POV:

It was currently one in the morning and both of the girls couldn't seem to fall asleep after the events that took place earlier. Cheryl decided to scroll through instagram until she got a notification.

(Toni): u up?

(Cheryl): god that was so cliche even for you

(Toni): wow okay i didn't think texting you would end up in me being fucking bullied

(Toni): may i add that this conversation literally just started as well

(Cheryl): i'm not going to apologize

(Toni): i never asked you to

(Cheryl): from my personal experience bullying works so..

(Cheryl): sorry not sorry

(Toni): what point of view are you using this source from?

(Cheryl): the bystander

(Toni): mhm

(Toni): i don't believe that for a second

(Cheryl): no i'm telling the truth

(Cheryl): Archie used to be bullied all through out middle school and now he's hot

(Toni): i don't disagree

(Toni): Archies fine asf

(Cheryl): pardon? 😃

(Toni): what? i was agreeing with you

(Cheryl): :(

(Toni): turn that frown upside down

(Toni): no response?

(Toni): someone's moodyyyy

(Cheryl): your moms moody

(Toni): i'm telling her you said that

(Cheryl): no! i didn't mean it!

(Cheryl): she is a very respectful and well kept woman :)

(Toni): now don't go start thinking so highly of my mother

(Toni): i might start believing you're trying to impress them for some reason....

(Cheryl): yes

(Cheryl): sorry Toni but..

(Cheryl): it is what you think, you see..

(Cheryl): your mom...

(Cheryl): well she..i don't know how to put this in a way that you'd understand...

(Toni): get on with it

(Cheryl): Your moms a total milf

(Toni): CHERYL!

(Toni): she's married and has children

(Cheryl): never stopped me before in the past

(Toni): i'm feeling quite

(Toni): icky

(Toni): next topic please

(Cheryl): okay uh....

Cheryl didn't want to bring up the almost kiss from earlier because she didn't know if Toni would be uncomfortable or not so she wrote the first thing to come to mind.

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