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Cheryl's POV:

We just got back from work and dinner, the other three decided to sleep over at ours tonight since we don't have work tomorrow and they have extra clothes here.

when we got through the door we were greeted by my mom who was watching one of her weird ass netflix shows.

"Hey kids!" she said happily surprised to see them.

"Hi auntie!" Betty said running over and giving her a hug, Archie and Kevin following to do the same.

"Betty your hair looks beautiful down" She smiled at betty who replied with a quiet 'thank you'.

"Archie, Kevin you've gotten so much bulkier" She laughed.

"yeah y'know i've been hitting in the gym a lot more" Archie bragged while flexing his right arm.

"Yeah y'know uh girls and beer and misogyny" Kevin said in a super deep voice while flexing his arm trying to act like a straight guy.

"hey! we aren't all like that...don't put me in a box" Archie frowned. We all just looked at him like he was stupid.

"Okay most of us are like that but not me! ima pretty soft guy" Archie confessed.

"aww Archies a lil sweetheart leave him alone" I pretended to take pity then came up and tapped him hard in the balls making him fall to the ground in pain.

"yeah he's definitely a soft guy" i joked causing Jason to snort out the water he was drinking.

"fuck u" Archie whimpered in a high pitch voice still on the ground.

"okay well Betty, Kev and I will be in my room, you guys can join us when Archie stops being a wuss" I laughed pointing to Jason and giving my mom a kiss on the head goodnight.

Once we got to my room i shut the door and locked it so no one barged in.

"okay i'm freaking the f-u-c-k fuck out right now" I confessed.

"what's making you freak out so much that you have to spell out the cuss word before saying it cherry?" Kevin asked with a laugh.

"okay so i got her number, right? which means i have to text her first, right? which also means that i actually have to do something instead of hoping and praying we just suddenly get married" i concluded in one breath.

"Well you did ask for her number so..." Betty trailed off.

"fuck society, honestly! it's so dumb i thought boys were supposed to make the first move" I said throwing myself on my bed.

"Cher you're both girls" Kevin said grabbing my guitar and pretending to play it.

"shit. i forgot sorry" i said face palming myself.

"what the hell happened to badass, tattoo having, leather wearing, motorcycle riding, confident Cheryl?" Betty asked trying to encourage me.

"she's still here..she just turned into a..how do you call it.." i say standing up walking back and forth and snapping my fingers trying to find the right word.


"desperate for love?"


"desperate for attention and affection?"

"needy little bitch?"

"desperate for some light skinned cootch?"

Kevin and Betty suggested before i could think of what i was going to say. Kevin suddenly only knowing the word 'desperate'.

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