Chapter 12: The Talent Show

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The family of three sat down on the Long Island countertop eating breakfast.They were eating sausage eggs and cheese biscuits that Yoongi had made for breakfast. Yoongi wanted to show how his cooking skills have improved.

He love seeing that they were enjoying the food especially Yumin. "Babe don't forget we have to go to Yumin talent show this evening."

Jimin had forgotten about it "what time is it" He ask.

"it's this afternoon at three so don't forget."

Jimin got up to put his plate in the sink "I won't."

Yumin finish her breakfast and got up to put the plate in the sink. As she put the dish in the sink Jimin came behind her and lift her up placing her on his hip. "Did you like the food."

She put her hands around jimin neck " I did papa."

She whisper something in Jimin ear "Promise to show up." Jimin look at her with his eyes sparkling he couldn't believe he made a child with the person that he love "Of course I will" he held up his pinky finger "I pinky promise" They intertwine their pinky together.

Jimin walk up the stairs with his daughter still on his hip "Me and Yumin going to take a shower" He announce to Yoongi.

Yoongi stood up from his chair "I'll wash the dishes."

Jimin wore a formal outfit cause he had many business meetings to attend. He dress Yumin up in a flowery yellow for her talent show. He wasn't sure why but he guess they got bored of the kids playing around in the daycare so they decided to have a talent show so the parents can could attend.

Since he started working him and Yoongi took different route so they had to ride in seperate car. Yoongi would drop Yumin off the daycare and go to work. Jimin would pick her up when he finish with his work.

He park his car and enter through the building where his assistant was waiting for him. "Good morning sir" she bow her head.

Jimin smile at her handing her a cup of coffee "Good morning Lea, what's my schedule for today?"

Lea sip on the cup of coffee that he gave to her "I needed it this" She laugh turning on the IPad to see her boss schedule.

"This morning you have a meeting for which editing software the company wants to work with." She kept her pace the same with Jimin as they walk towards the elevator " Around evening you have a photoshoot for an artist album."

He hum listening carefully as they enter the elevator " Do I have anything around three this afternoon?"

She scroll through the calendar schedule "As a matter of fact you have a meeting with a modeling client that's been trying get in contact with you for months now."

" Is there anyway we could move it around because I have something to attend this afternoon" she look up from the device "Sir this meeting been planned a month ago."

They got out the elevator to the second floor of the building" Reschedule it thirty minutes early or it's not going to happen" she nods her head.

He open the door to his office putting down his bag "Is that all" She sat down on one of the white chairs that was facing Jimin desk.

"The Hollywood director Mr Snoop said they'll double the price if you could just fly to America this weekend."

Jimin rub his forehead in annoyance "Tell him it's not about the money. My schedule is booked for the whole month. If he really wanted the photoshoot to happen they would have contacted me months early before the shooting instead of waiting at the last minute."

  𝐈 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐦 || YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now