Chapter 41: Falling Dominoes

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Recap to Pity Party

Four months ago (Jimin birthday night)

"God damn it" Yoongi said out loud looking around the mess that was made in his living room. As a celebrity you would think people would treat his house a bit better than ordinary people. When throwing the party he should have been strict about who can and cannot attend. Due to him wanting to throw Jimin a normal party forgetting the fame and publicity that played into it, it resulted in random people showing up and trashing his house like it was a dump filled.

"I should have hired a security guard" Yoongi sighs seeing all the cups and food crumbs that was on the floor. He picked up a vase that was close to falling off the living table. He shakes his head realizing all the work that'll have to be done to get this place back to its original states. As he bent down to pick up stacks of napkins that laid out on the floor he accidentally pierced his thumb through a broken glass that laid out perfectly sharpened on the floor.

"Fuck" Yoongi screamed out loud not caring if he woke anyone up. He rush through the kitchen grabbing a towel to wrap around his bleeding thumb.

"Why do I keep getting cut lately" Yoongi mumbled under his breath removing the towel to see how deep the cut was.

"Are you okay" Yoongi heard someone said behind him which resulted in him snapping his head back to the voice. He notices that it was Jimin that walked in the kitchen with a red robe tied around him.

"Are you okay" Jimin ask again standing in the kitchen doorway looking intently at Yoongi who seemed too occupied with his hand.

"Did you cut your finger" Jimin ask now moving closer to Yoongi trying to get a better look at his hand.

"Don't worry about it" Yoongi shuffle away from where Jimin was approaching.

"Yoongi let me see" Jimin said in a desperate attempt to help him.

"I said don't worry about it" Yoongi starts blowing on the cut as he felt a sharp pain surface.

"Let me see how deep it is so I can help you" Jimin whined trying to close the distance between him and Yoongi to which the older kept moving away.

"I'm fine okay" Yoongi wrapped the now bloody stained towel back on his finger walking out the kitchen.

Jimin follows after him still trying his best to help. As he finally took in the surrounding that was called his living room he soon realized the mess it was. The living looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in years. He shaked his head in disgust to how some people can be. With his mind still taking in his surroundings he hadn't realized Yoongi making his way up the staircase.

"Yoongi" Jimin called out walking after him.

"Why are you mad at me" Jimin asked closing their bedroom door behind him and securely retied the robe around him.

"I'm not mad I just want you to leave me alone" Yoongi said out loud from the bathroom.

Jimin walk inside the bathroom taking a seat on the large marble sink " Then why are you acting so cold towards me I'm just trying to help."

"I don't need your help" Yoongi look him directly in the eyes smiling going back to put a bandage around his thumb.

"Yes you do" Jimin move closer to Yoongi who was having a difficult time putting the bandage around his thumb because he could barely do anything with his other hand due to his broken wrist.

Jimin remove the bandage wrapper and carefully placed it on the cut. Yoongi clench his teeth together from all the pain. "I'm sorry" Jimin said doing his best not to make it hurt more than it did.

"There" Jimin said after wrapping the bandage all around the thumb "Does it feel better" He asked to which he got no response.

Jimin watch as Yoongi threw away the dirty towel walking out the bathroom.

"Is this because of what I said earlier tonight" Jimin question.

" I don't recall" Yoongi did his best removing his shirt.

"About getting the divorce" Jimin said and the room turned silent that you could hear both of their breathing.

"So it is about that" Jimin said seeing the look on Yoongi face when he mentioned that word.

"Yoongi" Jimin call out but the older ignore him.
"Yoongi" Jimin said again this time approaching the older.

"Can you please talk to me. You always said we can talk about anything but why do I feel like you didn't mean it because you're ignore me and I can barely get a sentence out of you unless you're telling me to leave you alone."

"I want a divorce" Yoongi said loud and clear not expecting it to sound so echoed.

"What" Jimin said not confused on what being said but why Yoongi said it.

"I want a divorce" Yoongi repeated this time stepping closer to Jimin "You said that you would do it if I were to bring it up."

"I know what I said" Jimin breathed out "I know what I said" He stepped away sitting on the bed.

"How long have you thought about this" He asked looking up at Yoongi who now removed all his clothes and put a robe around him.

"Since the day I found out" Yoongi exhales deeply taking a sit next to Jimin.

"Oh"Jimin mumbled.

"I really tried Jimin" Yoongi tilts Jimin head to face him " I tried seeing you how I used to before everything happened. I tried telling myself that you didn't mean it. I tried, I really did" Yoongi teared up leaning in to sob on Jimin chest.

Jimin lift his hand up patting Yoongi's head "I understand" Jimin cried trying his best to hold it in.

Yoongi put his hand around Jimin tightly holding on to him " I don't want to lose you" He sniffed.

"I don't want to lose you either" Jimin said his voice coming out in a low rasp.

They spent half an hour comforting each other and not wanting to let go just yet. If this was the last time they got to hold each so close then they would spent the whole night holding each other as close as they could.

Eight years of love, laugher, compassion, and forgiveness ended that night. Eight years of memories, promises, first time, first I love you, first kiss, first night together, first date. Eight years of finding your soulmate and being your true unapologetic self. All those eight years meant everything to them but tonight it all came down to nothing.

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