Chapter 13: Family Time

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It's been a week since Yoongi had an actual conversation with Jimin. The only time they would talk is when it had something to do with Yumin. If it wasn't about their child than they wouldn't talk to each other. At dinner time or breakfast they try to act like everything's fine for the sake of the child.

The younger understood that he needed to be around more if not for the family than for his daughter. He barely made time for her now, he use to tell Yoongi that he should spend more time with them, now it was him that was lacking family time.

Today he took a day off to spend time with Yumin and Yoongi but he's not so sure that the male would be thrill to spend the day with him.

"We're going to a carnival today" Jimin said to his daughter that was eating her breakfast "Are you excited " She shakes her head "I am."

They finish eating their cereal considering Yoongi wasn't in the mood to cook for them today. Jimin wash both his and Yumin plate placing it in the cabinet after drying it.

The black hair male walk in the kitchen looking like he had the worst night of his life. Jimin figure he went out drinking with Namjoon and Hoseok agian. Yoongi grab a cup from the cabinet pouring some coffee in it. Jimin was reading a news article and Yumin was watching TV in the living room. Jimin made no effort to actually speak to the man after the night of their argument.

"Rough night"

Yoongi lift his head up from his coffee cup "I guess you could say that" He cough.

"I'm taking Yumin to a carnival today, I would appreciate you coming along" Jimin peer at Yoongi, gosh he look a mess.

Yoongi gulp down his coffee "Sure" He left the kitchen going back to the guest room he slept in.

Jimin walk up behind Yumin who was sitting on the couch too focus on the tv screen to notice his appearance. "Boo" The little girl jump up from her sitting position. Jimin laugh seeing how easily frighten she get "It's time to shower" He reach his hand out waiting for her to take it.

He dress her up in black leggings, purple hoodie with a black jean jacket and a black boot. He got dress up in a black jean, white hoodie with a black jean jacket. Jimin took a couple of pictures of him posing with his daughter some of them with her alone in the frame.

They made their way down the stair Jimin getting his car key. He put Yumin in her carsit and sat down in the passenger seat waiting for Yoongi. The older show up minutes later dressing in all black. Yoongi tap on the passenger window " What" Jimin said annoyed.

"Do you expect me to drive I have a massive headache" Yoongi usher the younger to get out "It's your car anyway" Yoongi added.

Jimin didn't want to argue in front of their daughter so he didn't protest against it.

They arrive at the carnival and got in line waiting for their turn to get tickets. They got tickets rather quickly considering that not many people were there. They both grab Yumin hand as they made their way inside the gate making sure she didn't go running around like a lost kid.

"Do you want to ride the carousel or the merry-go-round" Jimin ask pointing between the two rides.

She jump up in excitement "I want that" she points at the super shot.

They sat down and buckle their sit-belt. When the ride start to go up Yumin went into panic mode "I wanna get off "she scream.

Jimin pat her back "Baby it's already high up." The ride was fun to say the least Yumin was scared at how high it was at first as soon as it went down she started cheering.

They went on the carousel, bumper cars, tilt-A-whirl, orbiter, and other rides. They were having a lot of fun especially Yumin. When Jimin asked which ride was her favorite out of all she said the teacup because it looked funny.

Jimin and Yoongi made small talks here and there. There was a ride in particular that Yoongi was afraid of, Yumin and Jimin made fun of him for it.

"I miss coming here every year" Jimin states licking his lollipop.

"Remember that one time you puked on the Ferris wheel" Yoongi laugh.

"Stop reminding me it was so embarrassing " The blond hair male cover his face.

"Babe it's fine" Yoongi eyes widen after hearing the word he spoke.

Jimin brushed it off smiling at the older.

"Was I there" Yumin ask looking at both her parents.

"No honey you were still in my tummy."

They decide to go on one last ride before leaving.

"Papa it's so high "

"Yes but it'll be fun" Jimin reassure her.

When the ride was over the family walk over to their car getting inside. They sat in silence everyone taking a few minutes to get there minds right.

"Can we come back tomorrow " Yumin chew on her candy bar.

"Its close tomorrow but we can always come back next year " Yoongi tug her cheeks gentle.

"What should we do now" Jimin said.

"Let's get ice cream" The girl shout.

Yoongi start the car pulling out the parking lot "Ice cream it is."

They ordered ice cream and return home.

The family was now changed into their pajama binge watching every home alone movie in their in-home theater. Yumin was laying on Jimin's lap while he brush her hair. Yoongi was sat far from them on the other side of the couch.

Thirty minutes into the movie Yumin had fallen asleep. Yoongi move closer to Jimin "We need to talk" his tone sounding a bit cold.

Jimin turn his attention away from the screen " Go on."

The male exhale a breath "I'm sorry for last week. I didn't mean to get mad at you but l let my emotions got the best of me. You're right when I was struggling between work and spending time with you and Yumin, not once did you get mad at me instead you were supporting me and telling me ways I could be more involved around the house and ways I could be there to spend more time with our daughter."

Jimin bit at his bottom lip to which Yoongi found distracting. "I get it babe but I didn't know when I started working I would have a hard time being there for you two. I get why you were mad I was making promises I couldn't keep and I let Yumin down every time."

Yoongi intertwine their fingers "I wasn't just mad that you didn't show up for Yumin talent show I was mad that you pay more attention to your work than you do to us."

"I'm sorry" Jimin mumble.

"Being a parent isn't easy but I want us to be in this fifty/fifty if you can't be there next time for an event just tell me and I'll understand."

Jimin frown " You never told me how she did at the talent show."

"She did really good babe" Yoongi smile his face lightening up as he mention it.

Jimin coo rubbing his daughter back while she slept " I may not have seen it but I'm really proud of her."

Yoongi kiss the child's forehead"Me too."

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