Chapter 8: Date Night

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Jungkook and Jimin were at the park sitting on the bench while their daughters play together on the swing.

"They grow up so fast" Jungkook spoke taking a big bite out his sandwich.

"I know " Jimin groans " I want them to grow up but it's too fast " Jimin turn facing Jungkook on the bench" The gender reveal is next week right"

""Yes, are you still coming " Jungkook question the older.

"I am" He reply feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket. "Hold on Kookie Yoongi calling me" he got up walking away.

He press the answer button hearing Yoongi breathing hard on the other side." Babe are you ok"

Yoongi took a minute to catch his breath " I-l'm ok " He stuttered out.

"Why are you out of breath" The younger ask sounding concern over the phone.

Yoongi smile knowing the reason would sound stupid to Jimin " I was craving ice cream this morning and you know how there's an ice cream truck that usually pass by the company building" he pause.

"Yeah" Jimin reply not sure where the story was going.

"I was chasing after it because I didn't hear it passing until I stepped outside and the truck was far down the road. Anyways thats not why I called you. I want to know if you want to go on a date with me tonight" The older asked.

Jimin giggle sounding like a teenage girl getting ask out for the first time" Of course I want to, i feel like we barely spend time together"

The older sighs " I know baby, it's my fault that I let work get in the way of our time together but I promise I'll make it up to you tonight " Yoongi seductively said the last word.

Jimin ran his finger through his hair his cheeks turning a light pink shade "You better keep your word Yoongi"

"Why you saying my government name like that. I feel like I'm in trouble " The black hair male laugh.

Jimin roll his eyes "See you tonight " He hang up the phone going back to sit with Jungkook on the bench.

Jungkook look up facing Jimin "Why are you blushing" He question his mouth full of the sandwich he was eating.

Jimin smilewiden " Nothing. Just Yoongi and his
nonsense sweet talks."


"Babe where you taking me" Jimin look away from the window view.

Yoongi took his hand pressing a long kiss on it.
"You'll see when we get there"

It was about one hour drive from their home. They eventually reach their destination.

Jimin eyes glisten with joy at the sight of the place. Its a restaurant him and Yoongi use to go to when they started dating. It's been years since they've eaten there. Everything looked as it use to except for the color was now white and yellow instead of white and red.

The younger was in dazed amusement that he hadn't realized that Yoongi got out the car and came to open the passenger door for him.

Yoongi grab hold of Jimin hand leading him towards the restaurant holding the door for him. As they enter they were greeted with the same owner they've known for years.

"How are you doing? It's been so long since I've seen you guys here" The lady gush excitedly seeing the couple together.

"We're doing fine, how about you? Yoongi return the same enthusiasm.

" I'm doing great now that I seen y'all." She held up her notepad ready to take their orders.

Jimin scan through the menu "We couldn't stay away for too long. This place serve our favorite dish."

  𝐈 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐦 || YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now