Chapter 6

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The boiling anger

After a day pass after Issei have been training inside the void he learn that he actually physically went into the void not just in his own mind

Issei is now curious and ask the god killer sword

Issei: hey can I bring someone else inside the void with me?

The sword answer: yes master. You can bring anyone no matter how many of them and the time will stop after went into the void

Issei: good now I found a perfect place to train with full power Ddraig without worrying about the damage the surroundings area or get the unwanted attention

Issei look at Ddriag. He is in the kind of evolution state because his body has change and grow bigger

Issei signed: now we wait..... let go train again and now we should try a new method of training

Issei look at his hand. The only he see is the hand that he sacrifice to save Rias from marry Riser, the anger begin to building inside his chest after everything that he has sacrifice himself them was it not enough for them?

the voice in his mind begin to speak

Issei other Personality: (you have it too, don't you?
The desire of revenge maybe you might hold deep hatred for them even more than me hahaha we share the same body and heart after all. You might acting like you don't care, but I know running around the problem won't solve the problem and certainly you won't finding peace that you wanted as long as it still bothering you)

He shaking his head off the thought of revenge and gripping his fist so hard that the blood come out

Issei: Tch! To think that such a thing could still bothering me. Fine I agree with for once that they need to pay for what they've been betrayed us and using us all this time just to be their meat-shield then toss us away once they don't need us as their shield. But death is too easy

Other Personality just laughed off like insane person in his mind

Azazel office

Azazel has just finished his work and while he about to take a nap Someone knocking the door

Azaxel signed: come in. I just done with my work damnmit

The fallen angel come and make a report

Fallen angel: Sir you have been ignored the message that send by Zeus about the tournament. You should read it in your mailbox

Azaxel embarrassingly ask the fallen angel: how do I open this thing

Fallen angel immediately facepalm after explaining to Azaxel how to open the mail. He seeing many of unread emails and messages first from Zeus himself. What make him uncomfortable is Issei message saying that he need help and in great pain

After he reading Issei's messages and standing up and immediately heading toward Issei house

Azaxel speak to himself: Issei please be ok and why doesn't anybody report it to me about Issei condition? This is definitely something fishy going on. But I need to check on Issei first

I am the lord of the abyss (betrayed/cheated Issei dxd x Knull) Where stories live. Discover now