Chapter 9

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Rias and Akeno Screaming for their life while in the middle of the night. Akeno sweating and has noticed that she wasn't the only one who has the nightmare because Rias also got a lot sweat on her face

Their new boyfriend also wake up from their screaming

Reiji: what happened are you guys feeling ok!

Rias: no... no if just... a nightmare

Akeno: you have nightmare too? Is it about Isse-

Rias doesn't want other hear about their nightmare so put her hand up to cover Akeno mouth

Rias: Reiji I don't think tonight is good to sleep here. Can you please go back cause someone might come and that will be bad for you

Reiji: but..

Rias: no, but Reiji

Rias seem serious so he won't questioning her anymore

The same with other girls, they tell their new boyfriends to go back too then they gather in the meeting room to discuss about what happened

Akeno is the first one to speak up

Akeno: Rias. You got nightmare about Issei too don't you...

Rias hesitated and nod: yes. That was the most scary nightmare I ever had

All of them also nodded

Akeno: wait you all having Nightmare about Issei!

Asia: it was very scary. At first it was our wedding then suddenly Issei changed into scary monster and he killed me

Koneko who is shaking: and he also said that he knew. He knew....

She break down and crying and Irina also crying. Her wings turning into grey color because of her guilt

Xenovia about go and hug her to give some comfort. But her phone got some new message from Rossweise saying she will come back tomorrow morning

Xenovia: Rias you might want to see this

Rias: oh dear satan. This is a wrong time to come back. We have to act normal and stay strong..

Rias also got a new message from her new boyfriend then saw other old messages from Issei that she hasn't been see because she blocked him

Many messages from Issei is about calling her brother for help, he is in the great pain then the last message hit

"I am dying and where were you when I need you the most, guess it mean nothing to you. I am just a meat-shield now I am useless so you throwing me away
This will be the last time you will see me, I holding on the hope of someone or you will come to save and I holding it for too long that I can't hold it anymore.

Good bye "

The tears down from her eyes.

Akeno: Rias.....

Rias clean her tears and reminding calm: nothing Akeno. Don't worry too much Akeno we will make this right...

She just hope that nobody else know about this, especially her brother

(Too bad they already knew dumbass bitches)

Back to Issei, he is flying to Hawaii.

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