Sneak peek of the tournament arc 2021

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(This fit while reading try it for more immersive)

The sound of the crowd cheering in excitement. There are moral and god alike among the crowd
And what are they cheering for you ask?

 There are moral and god alike among the crowd And what are they cheering for you ask?

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It was the tournament of the strongest, the only winner shall be the strongest of all

This tournament was not organized by Azaxel. But it was Zeus because he viewing International Rating Game tournament as inferior way to see which individual is the strongest

Normally in the Rating game. You just got to have a very strong teammate to win. But not in the tournament of the strongest!

Each of the factions will have to sending their most strongest individual to fight to represent their faction as a whole!

The fighter lists

Shiva the god of destruction represent the Hindu faction

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Shiva the god of destruction represent the Hindu faction

Shiva the god of destruction represent the Hindu faction

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Thor god of thunder represent the Norse faction

Hercules god of strength represent Olympians faction

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Hercules god of strength represent Olympians faction

Vali Lucifer the white dragon emperor represent fallen angel faction

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Vali Lucifer the white dragon emperor represent fallen angel faction

Sairaorg Bael the current strongest youngster in the underworld after the disappearance of Issei represent devil faction

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Sairaorg Bael the current strongest youngster in the underworld after the disappearance of Issei represent devil faction

And last fighter is....

Issei Hyoudou the lord of the abyss represent unknown

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Issei Hyoudou the lord of the abyss represent unknown

The sneak peek of the story

the Rias's group is shock as well as the whole arena after hearing Issei Hyoudou name...

And even shock when Issei has announce that he is no longer the red dragon emperor and he has cut ties with devil faction and bible faction as a whole but it not as smooth as he wish. He got Booing from some of the Bible faction crowd because the fact that he is no longer has sacred gear and they thought he is just a human without power they view him as a traitor

Issei tried of hear booing from the crowd. He use his new power and cutting the moon in the underworld in half making everyone jaw drop into the ground and no one dare to disrespect him again

Now every fighter on the list is excited to fight Issei

Happy new year and this will be coming in 2021

Are you excited please leave the commend and share your thoughts on my work. Leave a like that will motivating me to write the book a lot alright bye

I am the lord of the abyss (betrayed/cheated Issei dxd x Knull) Where stories live. Discover now