Chapter 12

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Issei and Ddraig getting drunk in Las Vegas, Issei is glad and happy that he finally have a good time with his best friend and Ddraig couldn't help but smile

After a long year of battle the enemy coming from left and right, Laughing and crying together through hardwork and here they are, the bound and friendship that is unbreakable

They talk to each other until Ddraig talk about Tiamat

Issei: Tiamat? You mean the chaos Karma dragon!and you two have some bad history together

Ddraig take sip of his Whiskey

Ddraig: yeah, I borrow her treasure

Issei: why don't you just return it to her then, I remember that she is living inside cave in the familiar forest

Ddraig signed: you have no idea when dragon holding Grudge on you, they will remember it for life and she is probably do the same...

Issei: and you're afraid of her?

Ddraig choked up on his drink: What! Of course no, I am not afraid of anything. But it is the guilt that prevented me from meeting with her, because I got seal by the god before I could return the treasure to her

Issei: then why don't you go there clear up the misunderstanding

Ddraig: no, I don't think I will

Issei: come on man, if you're afraid of her then just say it, don't make an excuse bro

Ddraig's pride got hit and he is drunk

Ddraig: What the fuck mate, I will show you who is afraid of who, you know after we finish this bottle of whiskey we going straight to Familiar forest,

Ddraig lifted his bottle of whiskey up and Issei soon followed

Issei: LET GOOO!


Rias and other girls are training their new boyfriends with their new sacred Gear user in Rias's hand, she becomes greedy and blind by her own selfishness forgotten even her strongest pawn Issei replacing him with more handsome look tall man that look similar to Riser, even if she doesn't want admitting it and thought she would just break up with them when Issei is back. Everything is not that easy

Other girls also have the same mindset as Rias a fool... this is all though of Necrosword, its laughing at them for being a fool and it want to play with them

Necrosword: hmmm... if their new boyfriends didn't come to tournament it wouldn't be fun let me remove those scar and nightmare first, the worst is yet to come haha huh?

Necrosword sensed someone coming at the door

Necrosword: haha my time is up, see you at the tournament bitch

Rias and other girls are nervous about their situation cause Rossweisse and Gasper are at their doorsteps however their nightmare have been remove just like a fever dream and their scar is disappear leaving the only thing that make them feel scared right now is at the front door...

Gasper knocked the door: hello, anyone home!

Asia: what should we tell about Issei

Rias: just act normal and follow what I said, ok everyone

They nodded and their boyfriends is waiting in the training room

Xenovia already learned how to lie

But on the other hand Irina will be fallen angel if she lie so she doesn't want to be here

They finally opened up the door

I am the lord of the abyss (betrayed/cheated Issei dxd x Knull) Where stories live. Discover now