Chapter 3

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Issei wake up from the nightmare with sweating all over his body. Then what first thing he do is asking Ddraig

Issei: how did I end up here? At my bed is what I just witnessed is it true?

His partner did not saying anything. But Issei's tear starting dripping down to the ground

Issei:......... I will take that as a yes

Ddraig finally answer: partner I am sorry that I take control over your body without permission it was necessary and I know what happened is impossible to happen but

Issei: it happened. I..... must have not good enough for them

Ddraig angrily said: what! Not enough for them!! You sacrifice your body even your life for them how can you say such a thing partner. There are other girls who still care about you! Remember that and remember I always be there with you brother

Issei: yeah you are right. Something that I have seen during my sleep it was nightmare. But I couldn't remember it. I am certain that it not about the Rias or Akeno. But it about him or something

Ddraig seeing his partner brainstorming and decided to just telling him to relax

Ddraig: relax partner you could alway tell me when you remember it. If you don't feel like going school today then you shouldn't

Issei shaking his head: no I will go

Issei went to the bathroom and keeping thing as positive as possible. He doing this for other people who actually care about him. But once he take the shirt off he saw. The red wound seeming to be where Rias put her pieces into him that make thinking about them

However the pain shock to his body, When he thinking Rias and Akeno.

Issei:ahhhh!! What the hell. It hurt ahhh it like someone put the holy blade piercing me

Ddraig: you give too much into negative emotion that in the past could help us during battle. But it just harming yourself because the power have no where way to go and it went to into the devil pieces causing the conflict within yourself

Issei looking down try not think about what happened and suddenly he hear someone speak in his mind and his voice was not Ddraig

????:good. G-Good let the darkness flow to you

Issei eyes wide open and quickly around the room paranoid about that voice

Ddraig: partner?

Issei: you didn't hear that? The voice from my nightmare

It spoken again this about getting Issei's darkest desired

????: You want kill them. Do you? Why let this noise distracting you from that desire!

Issei: no I won't give in to that and I won't kill anyone

????: oh we'll see about that. I have look at your memory and saw your so call lovers being with another man. Oh poor thing native and a fool!

Issei put both of  his hands to cover his ears. But the voice is still getting through

????: fine I won't need stab your old wound. Because the new wounds will soon be make haha!

the voice is gone. Issei put his hands down then He quickly decide to wash his face then a bit of blood dipping from of his mouth. He also throw up. But he swallowed it back

But suddenly he heard a voice inside his head.

Ddraig:[, ...tner. PARTNER!]

I am the lord of the abyss (betrayed/cheated Issei dxd x Knull) Where stories live. Discover now