Chapter 4 (rewrite)

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                                    Kuoh Town

Everyone inside Kuoh Town started to feel odd

Some started to feel goosebumps all over their skin. Others couldn't breath properly, barely having the strength to hold their own breath. Others started to sweat profusely and felt cold and chills all over their body.

Their survival instincts were telling them to run, the further the better!

However, a huge pressure fell upon everyone, paralyzing them on the spot! Their faces lost all color, and they all could feel as if a disaster was about to happen.

Some of them got lucky and just fainted after some time, but others had to deal with this. However, everyone inside the city whether supernatural or not, started to experience those symptoms.

As if something terrible just happened!

As if the balance and peace of the world was just broken!

As if a chained monster just broke his bindings!

The clear and beautiful night sky turned pitch black, not even the moon could be seen.

Fog started to appear around the city, giving it a spectral look.

Coldness erupted everywhere and a menacing vibe surrounded every living soul! They could feel their hearts being gripped by an invisible hand, ready to crush them with a single movement!

At the same time, the same sensation was experienced by all of the ones inside Kuoh's College Division.

Reiji:How could that be possible?! It's halfway through summer, even if its night time this is ridiculous!

letting out his breath in between his hands. One could still see the frozen breath in the air slowly dissipating.

He knew that this climate change was not normal!

Looking towards Akeno and Rias he saw them surprised and frightened, for whatever reason it may be. However, they didn't move so he became worried.

Walking towards them, he felt how in the place they where standing the atmosphere felt many, many times worse. As if all of this was directed towards them.

Their lips were pale, almost blue. Their faces drained of all color and they were barely hanging onto their consciousness. They were shaking, their teeth also chattered noisely. Sweat started to flow down their foreheads, just like a terrible fever.

They were petrified, not daring to move and inch!

He tried to move closer but when he reached just 10 feet away from them he fell to his knees, trembling all over and, - *Huff! Huff!* - Breathing heavily.

Whatever was the cause of this ridiculous climatic change, it didn't want him to get near them!

In other places around Kuoh the rest of the girls Irina, Asia, Xenovia, Ravel, and Koneko felt the exact same way as Rias and Akeno! Their bodies completely frozen, as if trapped in ice!

But just as the feeling came from nowhere it was also gone... They were freed from that feeling of terror! Like it was a bad joke from the Heavens, as if it didn't even exist! But they knew it was real!

However, no one else felt what they did, the symptoms they felt compared to the rest were vastly different—and in fear of making whatever it was that did this, angry, they did not dare report it to the higher-ups.

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