Chapter 1

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So the school life of all the Gremory and Sitri groups started again. Now being in their last year before College. Now was the time to prepare and find a career! But for the brown-haired boy, this was the least of his concerns.

Two Months flew by after the war. Now the students of the third year of Kuoh Academy graduated and went to Kuoh College Division. Among them; Rias Gremory, Himejima Akeno, Sona Sitri, and Tsubaki Shinra.

Now the Four Great Onee-sama's were out of the school and inside College.

In the beginning he was extremely happy for them, after all, how could one not be happy when your loved one graduated?

The ORC was still there, but it was different without Rias and Akeno, it was more work-centered. And the Student-Council was so busy that the time they had to spend with everyone was almost nothing.

Issei was now walking towards a huge edification covered with plants, flowers, moss and with a few parts of it falling down to the ground. For all, that building gave a really creepy vibe.

The road he was walking on was broken, and some roots of the older trees were seen in an entangled mess all over the surface of it.

He walked slowly, with his hands in his pockets and looking at the ground, thinking who knows what? But before he could continue with his thoughts, he was abruptly stopped by the voice of a good friend of his, a certain blonde knight.

Kiba with smile: hey Issei!

The knight noticed that something ain't right

Kiba: you okay? You seem distracted

Issei: Nah, don't worry about it. Just thinking that we have been seeing ourselves less and less these days, since Rias and Akeno-san graduated.

Taken by surprise by the comment of the brown-haired boy, the knight flinched.

Kiba: yeah....

Issei: Now because of College we see each other less and less, and because of the club activities and the unusual amount of Contracts we have to do, things do seem like that.

With a sad smile he answered.

Both of them talked as they walked closer to the ORC building.

Soon they went past the big, broken, creepy wooden door used to enter the building, and towards the end of the left corridor. Only seeing a double wooden door at the end of their path.

Opening the double door they saw a staircase in front.

Soon after, they started walking up the stairs, grabbing the rusty railing that left a metal scent on their hands.

Reaching the second floor they went to the second door to the right and opened it. Inside the big, old-looking room was the members of the ORC.

Looking further in, the brown-haired boy saw two people he did not expect to see.

Issei thought: (...Rias... Akeno-san...)

The room they were in was rather odd, the ceiling was really tall and in all four walls bookcases filled his view. On these bookcases some strange sigils were written on their surfaces, all in a strange language he recognized as, Devil Letters. That touch gave a rather uncomfortable vibe to the whole room.

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