Chapter 8

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Nightmare begin

Necrosword speak to his new master after seeing Issei training without any progress because he is training for too long and he need some strong sparing partner

(just like time chamber in dragon ball but the different is the time just stop when he go into the void because time doesn't exist there)

Necrosword: master, your technique in fighting is getting better and better. But you won't get any strong

Issei looking back the Necrosword while killing the void creature

Issei: what are you talking about? I won't get stronger here why

Necrosword: because all of those creature ain't real. You just summon it with your thoughts and imagination, and lastly their strength will only be depending on you if you get stronger then they also get stronger. Yes you could satisfying your bloodlust with those creature.

Issei clearly his mind and all the creature immediately disappear

Issei: oh now I understand. This void is just the empty space

Necrosword laughing: you better explain at this topic than me. And that why you could make every nightmare come true just imagine your opponent faces haha

Issei shaking his head: that just a coward move. I won't used it in combat and if what you said is true then that's it for Martial art this is as far as it can get me

Issei hands in his pockets and walking out of the void

He has learned all of the martial arts known to mankind
And he got taller and more muscular than ever before

Issei look at Ddraig and signed: look like still one more month before you wake up..... Shit I need a payphone to call my parents

Issei has a feeling that he should call his parents and hope everything will be fine

Issei walking all the way from Mount Everest to nearest town

Then Issei saw some frozen dead body on the way down

Issei checking the dead body: poor guy, Rest In Peace

Then he saw the phone on the dead guy hand then grab it

Issei: let me check hmmm... nope it doesn't work what am I thinking this phone probably been here like a year!

Necrosword then speak up: now let me try, put me closer to that phone, it might work

Issei do as he was told to do then there is some red lightning on the phone suddenly it working again with the full connection

Issei: what how? What kind of black magic is this!

Necrosword: Hehe I am not from this world master. Now you could call anyone around the world as long as you remember their number

Issei: neat.. let call my father first

While he was waiting for them to pick up, he has a feeling that they take long time to pick up than usual maybe because it a different number he hope it is

I am the lord of the abyss (betrayed/cheated Issei dxd x Knull) Where stories live. Discover now