Mistletoe (Fern)

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A/n: I got a request for something related to a mistletoe to conmemeorate the holidays, it's a little late but I hope you enjoy it and have a happy holiday.


It's days like these where you and a group of friends are feeling festive enough to gather together. Not like a house party, but more like a small and tranquil get together to exchange gifts, eat snacks, and watch movies. Or at least that's what you heard from what Fern told you.

You awkwardly stand in the corner of the treehouse, not doing anything but hold a drink in your hand and stare at others.

A melancholic sigh escapes your mouth, admiring how Bubblegum and Marceline make such a cute couple, there's also Lady and Jake who have a happy marriage despite the difference of species. They all compliment each other so well. Your eyes drag onto a grass boy, who is the current resident of the other corner of the room.

The two of you accidentally make eye contact, before immediately breaking it off in a shy manner.

His awkwardness comes off as cute.

You attempt to take a sip of your drink only to find it empty. With another sigh you decide to head to the bowl of fruit punch, finding yourself with Lsp along the way.

"You look like you just came back from a funeral," she tried to joke sarcastically. "You come here often~?" she started flirting with you, making you feel all the more awkward.

"Not really, this is the first time invited here. Apparently helping someone get you invited to parties," you shrug.

"Ooo, who did you save?" she inquires curiously.

"Him," you nod in the grass boy's direction. "He was stuck under a lot of snow and I pulled him out."

Fern is still looking at you, but after nodding in his direction he purposely looks away.

"Ooo he never talks to anyone, maybe he likes you~?" Lsp wonders, all the more interested in this new gossip.

You felt your face grow warm in embarrassment. "Wha? No no no, I met him a few days ago-""Then what are you doing here? Go and talk to him!" Lsp pats your back, pushing you in direction of the grass boy.

You're left standing in front of Fern, dumbfounded as your brain tries to come up with a decent greeting. "Uh hi-?"

"Hey," Fern replies, "You enjoying the get-together?"

Your eyes land on a cinnamon bun sitting in the middle of the fruit punch bowl, laughing and spilling juice everywhere.

"It's nice, thanks for inviting me."

Fern lowers his view to his cup, hiding a soft smile. "It's nothing, just wanted to thank you..." you feel there's more to his reply, but you don't need to rush it out of him.

"Help, I accidentally stabbed myself. Ohhh the pain-!" Lsp shouts not too far from you and Fern.The two of you head over to Lsp lying on the floor, covered in obviously what looks like ketchup with a knife held between her arm and her body. Even staying still with her tongue out of her mouth to look dead.

"Lsp you're fine."

The princess doesn't respond after being caught, instead of snickering to herself as she points up.

"I know, but I made you guys come all the way here."

Both you and Fern raised your heads to look upwards at the same time, reacting surprised at the sight of a mistletoe innocently hanging on the doorframe. Your face grew hot at the sight, even Fern's face grew a tone darker than usual.

"Y-you don't, w-we don't have to do anything (y/n) it's just a dumb superstition." Fern raises his hands defensively, blushing profusely.

You keep your mouth in a straight line before turning it into a sly smile. Your hands went to cup his face, pulling him close to you, and press a smooch on his cheek. It's like Fern's brain just restarted, his expression melting with warmth and joy, completely lovestruck with the gesture. He returned the kiss by pressing his lips against yours, feeling weak in the knees. You pulled back, grinning at his tender expression.

"It's not that dumb," you reply.

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