Fanfic Writer [Marshall]

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❥Character: Marshall Lee

❥Tags: SFW, drabble, fanfic!reader, gender neutral reader

Some might say you're being overly paranoid, but you can never be too careful, especially with this particular secret of yours. You lift the edge of a carpet from the floor before kneeling down to a specific spot and then double checking your head left and right in an already empty house. A single floorboard is removed when you dunk your fingertips in its nooks and crannies to find the journal stashed there.

While some people have dark secrets or unsavory pasts, you, on the other hand, have this tiny booklet full of nonsensical writing that, if someone discovered it, would certainly cause you to pass out from embarrassment You jump into the bed, crawl under the covers, and lay on your stomach, swinging your legs back and forth as you begin writing on a blank page with a colorful pencil. Your previous fears were justified because a guest sneaked into your home from above. He glides carefree above you just outside of your blind area and softly tries to peek over your shoulder.

"What are you writing about?" a voice suddenly speaks up.

You jolt in fright and try to hide your journal with a "Eeeep!" but the unexpected visitor beat you to it. You finally got a good look at the unwanted visitor, but his pale arm snatched it out of your hands as he floated away from your grasp, requiring to stand on your bed to retrieve the book.

"Marshall, give it back!" You'd yell, but the vampire king doesn't pay attention to anyone. He deliberately keeps the object just out of your grasp to tease you further, but when he saw how desperate you were, he became interested in what was in this booklet. "Why? He laughs, floating on his back as he looks through your journal, "Is this your diary or something...? Wait a second, is this fan fiction? Pfft, I never thought you were a writer, but  dang, you must have been working on this for months based on the word count."

He sneaked into your house, and now he's talking trash about your interests, making you want to take dramatic measures like throwing a humidifier and alarm clock at him. Your face starts to boil up in shame. You know Marshall is usually playful, but this time you think he's being very nasty. "Make fun of me all you want, but give it back!" You scream, angry tears welling up in the corners of your eyes.

Marshall Lee lifts his hands in defense as he glides left and right, tucking your book under his armpit. "Relax! I usually help Ice Queen with her fan fiction, so I actually meant that as a compliment."

You lower the lamp you are holding as you process what he is saying, "You do? Why?"

He sighs. "She's my friend, just like you, and it's also fun to come up with crazy story aspects. In fact, if you ever need a go-to beta reader i can be your guy." The vampire king comes down to your level and touches the ground as he delivers you your book. You accept the offering book, but Marshall doesn't let go; he gives you an apologetic look, but you know he's not the type of guy to say 'sorry,' instead he says. "We good?" Marshall may act all tough but you know he means it when he makes those puppy eyes.

You wipe the tears from your eyes before answering with a smile. "We good. But if you really wanna make it up to me, I could use your feedback on a few things."

Marshall flashes his fangs to you in a sideways grin. "Sure, I got some time to kill."

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