Marshall x Doctor!Reader

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Character: Marshall Lee
Tags: Descriptions of injury, fem!reader, canon typical violence
Life during an apocalypse is difficult enough as it is; imagine how much more difficult it becomes if you are inherently compassionate and well-meaning by nature. There's gonna be people taking advantage of that and today is just another reminder of it.

While searching for anything important through a pile of rubble you suddenly hear faint pleas for help around the corner, so you run there with only your medical supplies and around three days' worth of food and water. Even if the world ended, it wouldn't completely change you as a person; back then when you were working at a hospital, you'd skip lunch on occasion to save more time to help someone in need, and today was no exception even if it meant losing out on supplies. The main difference is that people were not struggling as much as they are now. As you approach the corner, you notice something strange: the cries abruptly end and you're left in complete silence. Just when you start wondering if this is all in your head, you're proven wrong the worst way possible when then your foot steps on a metallic platform and sharp spikes bite into your ankle, suddenly you're the one screaming for help.

It's then that three stragglers emerge from their hiding places with daggers in their hands; you beg them to release you, but they have other priorities and ignore your pleas but take all of your belongings instead. While they talk among themselves you drop into the ground into a dissociative state.

"Anything good?" One of the stragglers asks another.

"Nah, just a bunch of bandages and ointments."

Their conversation fades into background noise as you try to pry the bear trap from your ankle, but every time you place your fingertips on either side of its jaws, it only makes you whimper at the pain crawling up the rest of your leg like a million bee stings. The sight isn't pleasant either, but the only reason you managed to pull your eyes away from your hurt leg is because the stragglers stopped talking when one of them began violently choking. The creature that appeared is one you've only heard about in campfire stories from other survivors and don't want to see in person, but here it is, its ashy gray skin contrasting against the struggler's dark clothing and vivid blood dripping from its mouth as it chops through the poor fool's neck. The lingering pain on your leg was nothing but an afterthought as you frantically attempt force the beartrap open although it meant ruining your leg further, but a damaged leg is nothing compared to the fate waiting for you if the vampire get's it's claws on you, and at that moment it's like the vampire thought the same thing cause once it finished eating the scavenges it immediately looked in your direction with it's cold dead blue eyes. With the monster now aware of you, you barely open the trap enough for your leg to slip though even if the teeth ripped through pieces of your skin but even then with blood running down your foot you still get up and make a break for it. But what good is running away with a broken ankle?

Just when the thought came you once again fall down, grabbing onto anything nearby to defend yourself as the monster looms over you.

The creature eyes you like a succulent meal but it would never have the chance to taste your flesh because of the pointy wood stake suddenly bursting through its chest, it takes a second for the monster to process it just like you do, cause by the time it looked down at it's chest it immediately proofed into a dust cloud and reveals the man behind it. He inhales the dust cloud left behind by the feral vampire and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, burping a bit as if he just ate a delicious hamburger.

His wild hair is the color of molasses and sticks all over the place with only a side ponytail keeping his eyes clear, although the ashy skin is something to be concerned over the only reason you're not jumping away in terror is because of his eyes, they're a fascinating ruby red that look down at you with what you can only hope is sympathy.

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