Discovering A Human Princess [Bubblegum, Finn]

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Discovering another human being.

❥Characters: Finn Mertens, Princess Bubblegum

❥Tags: SFW, Fem!reader, princess!reader, drabble, hcs

❥Synopsis: Bubblegum and Finn attempt to help a princess who they believe is inflicted with a curse but turns out she's actually a human being.

❥A/n: This is in the early seasons when humans are almost non existent and are considered extinct. Gonna take the same approach and write a small intro before seperating it into hcs for each character.

Finn isn't one to dwell too long about being part of an extinct species or he'll get soul searchy, but one day the topic came to mind when he was rummaging through a barrel filled with old toys, some were old and moldy while others were mostly intended for babies. "Did you use to have toys like these growing up?" Bubblegum asks him, rummaging through her own pile of things. Her investigations leaded them to the remains of a shopping mall, mainly in effort to find more information about old times.

"Not really? I always had Jake to play with, well, that and any cool stick that looked like a sword." Finn responds, with his fingertips touching an unfamiliar rubber plate which turned out to be a Frisbee, he didn't get the chance to check it out because  Bubblegum cries out when her pile starts jiggling and something starts crawling out of it, Bubblegum takes a step back while Finn jumps into action with his gold sword ready, but instead  of confronting monster he was met with a harpy pigeon. "Oh I must've fallen asleep again..." he rubs his round eyes with the tip of his gray wings. "You! You're struck with the land walker curse as well?" the pigeon directs his attention at Finn.

Finn took it like some sort of insult. "Curses shmurses!" he responds almost immediately.

"Yeah, Finn has been curse free ever since that one witch gave him a booty rash." Jake exclaims in his failed attempt to defend Finn.
The human boy lowers himself to Jake's height. "Duuude, you weren't supposed to tell anyone." he mumbles with pinkish face cheeks.

"What's the land walker curse?" Bubblegum focuses on the topic at hand, to which the pigeon harpy dwells further.

"Back at the harpy kingdom our rulers were blessed with two royal heirs many seasons ago, one prince with wings and talons and a princess who remains wingless. The king said his beloved daughter was cursed by a shaman to walk on land forever, never to soar the skies with her family nor her people. It's so tragic don't you think?" he pulls out a handkerchief to dramatically wipe his non existent tears.

Bubblegum remained skeptical with her arms crossed together as she mutters to herself. "There's gotta be a scientific reason for this, maybe a genetic mutation? Or someone cheated." her thinking gears started running inside her head, meanwhile Finn and Jake were, in their own words, sweating from their eyes.

"That's so sad! We have to help her somehow." Jake expresses sincerely, being someone that wears his emotions on his sleeve.


Bubblegum called her giant bird marrow so they could fly their way to the harpy kingdom with the pigeon harpy as a guide, the flight lasted a few minutes with their surroundings turning into cloudy skies and rocky mountainsides. Bubblegum hopped off Marrow without any issues but it's Finn and Jake who were feeling nauseas due to the kingdom’s necessary altitude.

"They royal family live thus way, follow me!" the pigeon says joyfully.

It took a while for the guards to allow these foreigners entry but with a bit of Jake's charismatic persuasion and Bubblegum's own royal status, they were able to get a council with the Harpy King and Queen, such royals would despise an abrupt meeting but once they saw Finn they immediately became started at the human boy, especially the king who became agitated in his mighty throne.

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